Active Bans

New Ban
User Type Expiry Reason
Ykarus_new Commenting 20/Apr/28 19:11 hack links
BlackBox Gather 23/Jul/28 00:51 Smurf, DM knifey_urt on discor...
BlackBox Gather 23/Jul/28 00:51 Smurf, DM knifey_urt on discor...
ZAAAAAAAM Gather 06/Oct/26 13:51 Smurf
ZAAAAAAAM Website Logon 06/Oct/26 13:50 Smurf
Moony Gather 28/Sep/26 18:28 Knifey smurf
Moony Website Logon 28/Sep/26 18:27 Knifey smurf
Clay Commenting 01/Dec/25 22:14 doxing another player, ban can...
deleted_7729 Gather 03/Aug/25 02:25 second ensl account of Sakhan
WiFi Website Logon 31/Dec/25 17:59 Alt of marshmellow. Ips were ...
marshmellow Website Logon 31/Dec/25 17:59 Code of Conduct Point 2: Cheat...
April Website Logon 31/Dec/25 17:59 Banned for cheating https://...
MrNasty Website Logon 26/Oct/26 20:38 Bubba

Ban History

User Type Expiry Reason
jiriki Gather 24/Mar/25 05:08 not showing up!
lame Gather 28/May/24 20:46 not showing up
dagkam Gather 22/May/24 17:03 not showing up
Fairy Gather 24/Apr/24 20:03 selling base
Dream Contests 20/Mar/24 08:42 WARNING: 1 year length. told p...
Nurag Gather 05/Mar/24 13:02 Carry on from discord ban. ...
crt Gather 29/Feb/24 18:00 watch your language mister
Dream Gather 02/Feb/24 18:00 left mid gather, told ryssk to...
peerless Gather 01/Feb/24 18:00 AFK, Trolling, left after 1 ro...
Mendo Gather 27/Jan/24 13:16 Warning: 40 minutes late to ga...
ritual Gather 26/Jan/24 04:29 i no showed self ban sry bros ...
Justy Gather 09/Jan/24 16:35 Warning (not a ban). He wasn't...
infamous Gather 06/Aug/23 22:57 15 min later for gather as cap...
schwifty Gather 06/Aug/23 22:57 WARNING - USE MICROPHONE IN GA...
snowblind Gather 29/Jul/23 01:09 Warning: Improper use of gathe...
mst3kld Gather 03/Jul/23 08:13 WARNING - No Show for Gather (...
infamous Gather 11/Jun/23 09:20 "Infamous played two rounds of...
Euphie Gather 20/May/23 19:51 warning: no show for gather
drop Gather 19/May/23 20:50 no show for gather
Ploblitz Gather 13/Mar/23 23:00 Warning - Do not ready for you...
drop Gather 10/Mar/23 16:32 no show for gather
peerless Gather 10/Mar/23 00:22 trolling - appealed
# 1060 Gather 01/Mar/23 03:00 official warning for no show n...
Fairy Gather 05/Oct/23 20:59 persistent ignoring of team go...
Dream Gather 01/Aug/22 23:56 Warning: Just cause you get sc...
Fairy Gather 01/Jul/22 19:52 disobeying captain
Saint Gather 15/Jun/22 14:07 leaving midgame
infamous Gather 03/Apr/22 20:46 15 mins late for gather. Show ...
Euphie Gather 23/Mar/22 23:26 Stop trolling gathers. I do no...
ArabKing Gather 20/Mar/22 22:50 warning for noshow
# 1051 Gather 06/Mar/22 20:57 If you get voted captain do no...
Fairy Gather 07/Mar/22 21:45 not following orders, general ...
knifey Gather 27/Feb/22 00:41 violation of rules 5 & 7 ht...
Euphie Gather 11/Feb/22 20:39 AFK gather with no merc.
OutSiDeR Gather 12/Feb/22 06:04 appealed
# 1046 Gather 04/Feb/22 08:12
knifey Gather 01/Feb/22 19:49 trolling gathers 2/10
peerless Gather 26/Feb/22 23:21 ban trolling
knifey Gather 16/Jan/22 23:21 1 hr ban trolling
bollox Gather 27/Jan/22 18:59 Completely unable to listen to...
phone Contests 19/Dec/21 10:23 This is just do document a wri...
y4mz Contests 20/Dec/21 10:16 Violation of Code of Conduct 1...
# 1030 Gather 07/Dec/21 19:42 Trolling gather page
Timothehippo Gather 28/Nov/21 20:28 Do not reset a gather. You are...
h3adak3 Gather 10/Nov/21 14:08 WARNING (Check edit) - Deafeni...
peerless Gather 26/Nov/21 12:06 He just keeps doing his own th...
NeckSnapper Gather 13/Nov/21 21:45 gather rq w/o merc
ArabKing Gather 07/Nov/21 19:36 Gather no show
peerless Gather 02/Nov/21 01:46 Warning: Capt complaints of af...
peerless Gather 01/Nov/21 00:57 Capt asked to have him go gorg...
NeckSnapper Gather 18/Oct/21 17:12 didnt show up for gather
pykacz801 Gather 17/Oct/21 12:00 There will always be bad games...
peerless Gather 15/Oct/21 01:20 no show for gather
knifey Contests 25/Nov/21 00:00 Probation period from ban appe...
NeckSnapper Gather 14/Oct/21 23:20 No show for gather
joshhhy Gather 13/Oct/21 15:51 CoC violation 2c Shared a s...
v0id Gather 04/Oct/21 15:13 Refusing to join gather becaus...
Timothehippo Gather 28/Sep/21 21:27 no show for gather get speak...
Fairy Gather 04/Dec/21 17:00 disobeying orders (lifeform), ...
knifey Gather 14/Oct/21 00:00 Gather page ban from CoC viola...
knifey Website Logon 14/Oct/21 00:00 Self-requested plea to be bann...
Gohan Gather 07/Aug/21 21:58 leaving mid-game
# 999 Website Logon 03/Aug/21 08:09 Discord/website spam & harassm...
knifey Gather 26/Jul/21 00:07 Spamming Gather Chat https://...
Moadib Gather 04/Jul/21 18:26 leaving gather early
auzilla Gather 04/Jun/21 23:14 no show for gather
Starcetereus Contests 20/May/21 20:12 Spamming NSFW on NSL Discord. ...
Wraithling Contests 24/May/21 20:12 Spamming NSFW on NSL Discord. ...
BL0CKY_DUDE Contests 24/May/21 20:11 Spamming NSFW on NSL Discord. ...
knifey Contests 24/May/21 20:08 Spamming NSFW on NSL Discord. ...
Smickle Gather 21/May/21 08:00 Incident: Violation of CoC 1....
peerless Gather 09/May/21 22:34 Muted capt and other members o...
peerless Contests 25/Apr/21 23:59 Violation of Code of Conduct P...
peerless Gather 25/Apr/21 00:05 Muted and deafened in discord....
# 983 Gather 20/Apr/21 18:54 Player had to merc out due to ...
Ninja Gather 20/Apr/21 00:11 No teamplay, not listening to ...
RangeR Gather 19/Mar/21 20:00 Getting upset because people d...
# 980 Gather 12/Mar/21 18:00 refused to switch to voted ser...
Met Gather 09/Mar/21 19:39 not unmuting captain/commander
# 977 Gather 27/Feb/21 12:04 golden's web of madness
tap Gather 27/Feb/21 12:03 golden's web of madness
schu Gather 27/Feb/21 12:00 golden's web of madness
bily Gather 27/Feb/21 12:00 gather banned
nano Gather 25/Feb/21 18:12 Leaving and joining gathers mu...
peerless Gather 15/Feb/21 23:03 No show for gather
RangeR Gather 01/Feb/21 02:32 ragequit
peerless Gather 31/Jan/21 18:41 24 hour ban for no-showing a g...
Fairy Gather 19/Jan/21 22:19 ignoring captain's orders, bm
Gohan Gather 06/Jan/21 17:54 AFK multiple times
Gohan Gather 29/Dec/20 17:09 afk, not showing up multiple t...
peerless Gather 28/Nov/20 20:27 WARNING - No show in Gather
RangeR Gather 20/Nov/20 22:29 SERIOUS WARNING: -Refusing to...
Plebdough Gather 20/Nov/20 21:19 WARNING: Not showing up in ti...
bill Gather 20/Nov/20 21:18 WARNING: Not showing up in ti...
LongSwine Gather 20/Nov/20 21:17 WARNING: Not showing up in ti...
Kame Gather 20/Nov/20 21:17 WARNING: Not showing up in ti...
Zergg Gather 20/Nov/20 21:16 WARNING: Not showing up in ti...
GreenRex Gather 20/Nov/20 21:14 WARNING: Not showing up in ti...
Clay Gather 01/Dec/20 21:42 doxing another player
knifey Gather 14/Nov/20 12:20 WARNING for not showing up in ...
OldMan Gather 12/Nov/20 17:10 No show for gather
tap Gather 04/Nov/20 20:00 left after calling gg during f...
meta4 Gather 31/Dec/23 18:22 Not joining teamspeak and read...
RangeR Gather 28/Oct/20 18:13 Rage quit gather
Doggo Gather 24/Oct/20 17:53 AFK in gather. - Warning
OldMan Gather 23/Oct/20 18:28 WARNING: No show for gather, n...
h3adak3 Gather 13/Oct/20 15:48 WARNING for being 20 mins late...
Limbo Gather 12/Oct/20 14:38 didn't show up for gather.
BOHICA Gather 07/Oct/20 17:00 Ignored calls and killing mora...
Crispix Gather 05/Oct/20 21:02 Ragequit gather,also doesnt li...
tap Gather 02/Oct/20 18:47 Ragequit during gather - WARNI...
BOWLINGKING7 Gather 26/Oct/20 14:48 Banned for month for multiple ...
bily Gather 13/Sep/20 16:00 Warning for being AFK/away in ...
Plebdough Gather 12/Sep/20 19:53 This is your OFFICIAL warning ...
# 935 Gather 12/Sep/20 19:53 This is your OFFICIAL warning ...
morty Gather 08/Sep/20 18:46 Warning for gather no show. Ne...
NeckSnapper Gather 14/Sep/20 22:07 No show for gather
Syknik Gather 06/Sep/20 18:05 Warning for no show for gather...
Rob0t Gather 29/Aug/20 21:19 no show for gather
Wake Gather 17/Aug/20 03:01 #1 Warning (for leaving gather...
ADHD Gather 18/Aug/20 20:00 Please sober up we care about ...
ADHD Gather 16/Aug/20 11:48 Sober up buddy
Finnbarre Gather 16/Aug/20 18:24 Missed gather
Doggo Gather 14/Aug/20 19:00 AFK in Gather - You have been ...
schu Gather 07/Aug/20 19:30 Left discord during early game...
Sakhan Gather 06/Aug/20 23:00 Code of Conduct violation
Doggo Gather 31/Jul/20 21:18 2nd Warning in short time peri...
Doggo Gather 28/Jul/20 22:34 WARNING - AFK as Captain, caus...
BOWLINGKING7 Gather 20/Sep/20 19:21 No show pattern, intentional g...
Viper Gather 16/Jul/20 13:16 RQ gather because "teams looke...
BOWLINGKING7 Gather 15/Jul/20 02:59 No show for gather multiple ti...
BOWLINGKING7 Gather 09/Jul/20 14:53 No show at couple gathers
kTr00p Gather 23/May/20 04:12 rq during 1st round of gather ...
Gung-Ho Gather 19/May/20 14:00 14 day ban for disrupting mult...
Gung-Ho Gather 16/May/20 05:00 sober up
medi0crates Gather 10/May/20 17:24 Intentionally muting discord, ...
Trademark NS Servers 12/May/20 17:59 Permabanned for (D)DOSsing and...
Trademark Gather 12/May/20 17:59 Permabanned for (D)DOSsing and...
RangeR Gather 01/May/20 15:45 Gather kind of no show, arrive...
RangeR Gather 28/Apr/20 21:34 no show for gather
Plebdough Gather 28/Apr/20 21:33 no show for gather
Hyste Gather 24/Apr/20 13:58 AFK GATHER CAPTAIN/OFFLINE IN ...
meta4 Gather 19/Jun/20 15:59 continuation of previous ban b...
Met Gather 18/Mar/20 18:29 not following orders
Viper Gather 02/Feb/20 18:57 No show for gather
# 886 Gather 20/Jan/20 22:02 leaving
DQUANTRIUS Gather 11/Jan/20 22:20 Multiple no show on gathers
meta4 Gather 07/Mar/20 17:55 afk and bm
Fairy Gather 29/Nov/19 13:00 AFK
AYAYA Gather 23/Nov/19 18:20 Ragequitting in middle of gath...
lebra Gather 22/Nov/19 17:59 Abusing gather page vulnerabil...
kTr00p Gather 19/Oct/19 00:19 No showed the last Gather was ...
Mega Gather 20/Oct/19 00:19 No showed the gather -Mega
Mega Gather 09/Oct/19 16:38 No showed the gather... lik...
auzilla Gather 05/Oct/19 12:58 No show gather
marshmellow Gather 29/Sep/19 19:44 If you join a gather and you d...
Shanks Gather 25/Sep/19 15:26 No show gather. 24 hours ban.
Tyr Website Logon 31/Dec/19 18:01 Abusing admin rights to ban pl...
Fairy Gather 25/Apr/18 19:34 Going to cc and shooting a tea...
Tyr Gather 22/Apr/18 19:04 pls dont rage from gathers, an...
Reguliym Gather 20/Apr/18 14:00 No showed on gather.
crowbar Gather 18/Apr/18 15:00 No show gather, looks like fir...
Well Gather 19/Apr/18 15:17 No showed a gather, 2nd time r...
BauerJankins Gather 07/Apr/18 19:19 LEAVES GATHER
Frozen Gather 12/Mar/18 18:06 No showed for gather.
Well Gather 12/Mar/18 18:06 No showed for gather.
Platypus Gather 14/Mar/18 13:10 Missed gathers.
Malware Gather 18/Feb/18 12:30 Abandoned gather. Most dishono...
olonore Gather 20/Jan/18 17:52 Didn't join Teamspeak channel ...
yntro Gather 20/Jan/18 17:52 No showed in Gather 1 Day ban ...
Frozen Gather 10/Jan/18 15:33 No showed in Gather apprently ...
marshmellow Gather 13/Jan/18 16:35 If you join a gather and you d...
querly Website Logon 31/Dec/22 16:59 Did not know you were 19, Hypi...
vagina_yeast Website Logon 31/Dec/22 16:59 Rule b and f under section 5 a...
phone Gather 21/Oct/17 19:16 Trolling invite oops
cr4zy Gather 21/Oct/17 19:15 Trolling in invite oops
Dedech Commenting 14/Oct/17 17:55 No one cares about what happen...
carnage Gather 07/Oct/17 14:11 No show on gather.
lebra Commenting 04/Oct/17 23:25 Told you i gonna moderate heav...
d3Base Gather 30/Sep/17 17:58 No show on gather.
Mr_Chainsaw Gather 23/Sep/17 16:53 Noshow.
Kelmops_noBM Gather 22/Sep/17 23:07 No show for gather
Moadib Gather 07/Oct/17 14:11 Ban for repeated behaviour of ...
medi0crates Gather 30/Aug/17 21:40 No show on Gather so standard ...
phone Gather 30/Aug/17 22:02 No show Invitational Gather -...
4815162342 Gather 29/Aug/17 18:32 No show on Gather so standard ...
phone Gather 28/Aug/17 17:52 Noshow
4815162342 Gather 27/Aug/17 20:50 No show on Gather so standard ...
medi0crates Gather 27/Aug/17 17:05 No show for gather.
izO Gather 25/Aug/17 13:06 Ragequit in the middle of a ga...
Dedech Gather 22/Aug/17 14:10 Noshow in gather w/o merc.
garreh Gather 18/Aug/17 19:48 Not listening, no comms, troll...
Mega Gather 16/Aug/17 22:41 No show for gather yesterday a...
Sacrifice Gather 14/Aug/17 16:43 Noshow in gather.
IPFreely Gather 18/Aug/17 16:42 No show in gather.
Mr_Chainsaw Gather 03/Aug/17 19:59 No show in Gather First occ...
nano Gather 04/Aug/17 12:14 No show in Gather the 2nd Time...
izO Gather 30/Jul/17 12:33 Noshow for gather. - Tyr
Malware Gather 07/Aug/17 04:56 Banned for trollpicking in gat...
gigogne Gather 23/Jul/17 17:58 Ragequit a gather. - Tyr
IPFreely Gather 21/Jul/17 14:30 Noshow in gather. - Tyr
IPFreely Gather 18/Jul/17 15:56 Noshow for a gather, did not g...
WiFi Gather 04/Jul/17 13:12 No show for gather.
crowbar Gather 03/Jul/17 18:28 Left gather early + no communi...
Malware Gather 02/Jul/17 07:27 Banned for 1 week for trolling...
Robert Gather 24/Jun/17 18:20 No show for gather.
openyafaceup Gather 28/Jun/17 15:14 Seemingly drunk and belligeren...
lebra Commenting 10/Jun/17 16:20 Banned from commenting for 3 d...
Kefirdon Gather 06/Jun/17 13:22 No show for gather
Reguliym Gather 06/Jun/17 13:10 No show for gather
bollox Gather 13/Jun/17 22:19 Not listening to calls. I g...
kIdGO Gather 31/May/17 13:51 No Show in Gather
Mega Gather 29/May/17 22:38 No show in Gather
schu Gather 22/May/17 18:48 Banned for delaying a gather a...
Bof Gather 20/May/17 15:12 Banned for joining a gather wh...
Denji Gather 24/May/17 22:15 Switching teams and not listen...
Nauti Gather 14/May/17 17:42 Warning: Leaving before 2nd ro...
Dean0 Gather 14/May/17 17:01 Leaving Gather before it ended
forever_rusty Gather 11/May/17 20:28 Left after first round was pla...
ritual Gather 30/Apr/17 17:30 Didn't show up for gather
Kmacg Gather 27/Apr/17 18:42 Warning: Leaving game, calling...
Snaker Gather 26/Apr/17 18:30 No Show of Snaker so First occ...
# 780 Gather 25/Apr/17 14:09 Got in the server, didn't comm...
ZEBROE Gather 18/Apr/17 18:00 WARNING: Didn't Stream @Gather...
Snix Gather 19/Apr/17 16:00 No Show in Gather So i bann...
Moadib Gather 18/Apr/17 17:03 Not showing up for gather, off...
gigogne Gather 16/Apr/17 20:00 Never showed up for gather, di...
Stormbell Gather 14/Apr/17 14:25 Not showing up for gather, lef...
Moadib Gather 09/Apr/17 14:00 Never showed up for gather - p...
Kelmops_noBM Gather 09/Apr/17 14:00 Never showed up for gather - p...
Mnow Gather 08/Apr/17 17:17 Left gather before round 2 sta...
crowbar Gather 05/Apr/17 18:45 Took longer then 10 minutes to...
Moadib Gather 04/Apr/17 15:59 Warning: Didn't join the Serve...
crowbar Gather 03/Apr/17 14:43 First Warning takeing longer t...
bollox Gather 08/Apr/17 06:00 not showing up on time, delayi...
Gooch Gather 02/Apr/17 19:00 No show in gather
migalski Gather 01/Apr/17 23:59 Refusal to join server after j...
Starcetereus Gather 01/Apr/17 23:59 Refusal to join the server aft...
Kmacg Gather 30/Mar/17 01:00 1ST Warning. He tryed to te...
Terence Gather 29/Mar/17 18:12 No Show in Gather first ban s...
bollox Gather 30/Mar/17 14:40 Not listening to comm and call...
# 760 Gather 29/Mar/17 14:15 Failed to show to gather after...
Unicorn Gather 16/Mar/17 21:36 Failed to show for gather -mst...
nano Gather 13/Mar/17 18:30 No show in Gather -Mega
Barns Gather 12/Mar/17 13:35 No show gather. Classic Gathe...
Begal Gather 07/Mar/17 10:23 No Show for the Gather today a...
TheMan Gather 06/Mar/17 20:07 Left the in the Middle of the ...
Absurdon Gather 02/Mar/17 12:32 No show in the Gather -Mega
Sacrifice Gather 26/Feb/17 10:34 Not showing for a gather. Didn...
Lordjamex Gather 22/Feb/17 14:23 Left in the middle of the Gath...
Denji Gather 13/Feb/17 15:32 No show for gather. -Knox
Kelmops_noBM Gather 03/Feb/17 12:45 NO SHOW 11 People joined in 5 ...
Tyr Gather 31/Jan/17 20:22 Didn't want to bother to play ...
Kelmops_noBM Gather 31/Jan/17 20:22 Didn't want to bother to play ...
Wob Gather 31/Jan/17 17:22 Ragequitted during the Second ...
Senpai_Robot Gather 10/Feb/17 20:34 last ban for no show was 1 wee...
PandaClaws Gather 21/Jan/17 18:19 Leaving Gather before the Gath...
eleY Gather 17/Jan/17 16:00 Bmed like everyone in ts3 inga...
N1ghtmare Gather 12/Jan/17 17:58 No show for gather. 1st time.
Starcetereus Gather 10/Jan/17 23:40 2 Times (Constantly) joining g...
malx Gather 04/Jan/17 22:07 Leaving during gather, not get...
Senpai_Robot Gather 08/Jan/17 14:42 3rd Time no show for Gathers ...
phone Gather 29/Dec/16 17:07 Thats Phone Insulted People...
Sedox Gather 29/Dec/16 17:07 Ragequitted on the Gather at t...
Moadib Gather 28/Dec/16 15:16 Didnt show up on Gather even a...
ydy Gather 11/Dec/16 13:58 No show for gather.
BauerJankins Gather 09/Dec/16 22:25 General Gather Rules 1. When ...
Senpai_Robot Gather 06/Dec/16 15:18 3 day ban for no show in gathe...
d3Base Gather 30/Nov/16 22:21 No show for gather.
Senpai_Robot Gather 30/Nov/16 22:20 No show for gather.
jope Gather 21/Nov/16 19:24 Did not show for gather.
infamous Gather 21/Nov/16 22:06 3 day ban for not showing for ...
radionaut Gather 17/Nov/16 21:25 No show for gather.
Malware Commenting 17/Nov/16 11:45 Spamming the shoutbox.
Knox Gather 16/Nov/16 08:32 No show on gather.
Deck Gather 16/Nov/16 08:30 No show on gather.
ZEBROE Gather 08/Nov/16 19:46 Disconnecting from server afte...
Starcetereus Gather 12/Nov/16 18:00 Constantly joining gathers at ...
infamous Gather 27/Oct/16 18:16 3 Day ban for disappearing dur...
openyafaceup Gather 17/Sep/16 19:54 "trolling gathers"
Bubba Gather 07/Sep/16 16:49
BauerJankins Commenting 19/Aug/16 18:11 Trolling
Starcetereus Commenting 19/Aug/16 18:11 Trolling.
izO Commenting 11/May/16 12:58 Posting NSFW images in shoutbo...
skyice Commenting 10/May/16 07:59 Posting NSFW images in shoutbo...
SynthesisSSK Gather 01/May/16 01:57 Gather no-show.
Melllvar Gather 01/May/16 01:56 Gather no-show.
Knox Gather 30/Apr/16 00:42 No show on gather.
tyrer1246 Gather 29/Apr/16 20:00 Switc...
tap Gather 29/Apr/16 20:00 Switc...
migalski Gather 29/Apr/16 20:00 Switc...
Alite Gather 29/Apr/16 20:00 Switc...
mortmann Gather 29/Apr/16 20:00 S...
ydy Gather 27/Apr/16 01:28 Not listening to Capt, spendin...
IPFreely Gather 16/Apr/16 17:59 Banned for not playing until t...
leso Gather 04/Apr/16 11:26 Not using a microphone or comm...
Dixit Gather 30/Mar/16 18:53 Leaving gather before it was f...
ydy Gather 27/Mar/16 08:26 Switching teams before round e...
leso Gather 26/Mar/16 14:45 Rules n°1+7 Ragequitted the ga...
Dixit Gather 26/Mar/16 15:27 Rules n°1+3+7 Ragequitted the ...
IPFreely Gather 21/Mar/16 18:40 Rules n°1 - Didn't show up (20...
Wob Commenting 05/Mar/16 03:24 Stop spamming the shoutbox alr...
Kelmops_noBM Gather 04/Mar/16 06:48 Rules n°12 - Using Exploits to...
tap Gather 03/Mar/16 11:00 Don't be a dick, especially to...
Wob Commenting 03/Mar/16 00:46 Spamming shoutbox for several ...
phone Gather 04/Mar/16 10:00 Don't be a dick, especially to...
Frozen Gather 28/Feb/16 02:30 Unsportsmanlike behavior and l...
OneHit Gather 24/Feb/16 17:20 Don't be a dick - S*
schu Gather 27/Feb/16 12:00 Don't be a dick - S*
Kmacg Commenting 20/Feb/16 20:18 Please read forum rules: http:...
ryssk Commenting 20/Feb/16 20:16 Please read forum rules: http:...
Tinki Commenting 20/Feb/16 20:14 Please read forum rules: http:...
BauerJankins Commenting 20/Feb/16 20:13 Please read forum rules: http:...
Alite Commenting 20/Feb/16 20:12 Please read forum rules: http:...
phone Commenting 23/Feb/16 20:11 Please read forum rules: http:...
PASCOW Website Logon 18/Mar/16 16:00 Banned for taking over team ge...
asdfg Gather 17/Feb/16 14:30 Rules n°1+3 Ragequitted the ga...
izO Gather 13/Feb/16 14:50 Quiting gather - yaluzan
Bubba Website Logon 19/Feb/16 12:41 Banned for his horrible behavi...
phone Commenting 15/Feb/16 03:44 Spamming comments on several o...
Cr4zy Commenting 15/Feb/16 03:43 Spamming comments on several o...
tap Gather 11/Feb/16 15:38 Over 15 mins late on connectin...
schu Gather 07/Feb/16 01:16 RQ'd + Switched teams for ELO
Reguliym Gather 03/Feb/16 11:05 Rules n°1 - Didn't show up (15...
BauerJankins Gather 02/Feb/16 12:24 Rules n°1+3 Didn't join the ga...
schu Gather 02/Feb/16 12:23 Rules n°1+3 Didn't join the ga...
phone Gather 01/Feb/16 18:15 Joined a gather without being ...
_Mega_ Gather 02/Feb/16 12:12 Rules n°1+3 Rage quitted gathe...
Malware Gather 02/Feb/16 14:43 I lost interest in playing aft...
Paskie Commenting 21/Jan/16 11:51 Read the forum rules before po...
Tinki Gather 18/Jan/16 17:40 AFK in gather screen several t...
Nexen Contests 25/Jan/16 04:34 Spectating an official match w...
simple Website Logon 31/Dec/21 17:59 Permanently banned for cheatin...
ragnasty Commenting 16/Jan/16 02:48 This is what happens when you ...
Tinki Gather 15/Jan/16 10:49 Rules n°1 Didn't show up. - S*
Kelmops_noBM Gather 13/Jan/16 14:21 Violated Rule #12 - Exploiting...
Bubba Gather 10/Jan/16 07:00 Rules n°1(1) - Didn't showed u...
WizZzFizZz Gather 08/Jan/16 15:47 Didn't show up for gather - Ya...
Moadib Gather 10/Jan/16 12:38 Did not join Gather.... again.
HYPIE Commenting 06/Jan/16 09:00 Banned for comment spam on Lam...
Moadib Gather 05/Jan/16 09:07 Did not show up for Gather.
Paskie Gather 03/Jan/16 06:00 Rule n°12: "Stealing" Elo by J...
Myx Gather 03/Jan/16 06:00 Rule n°12: "Stealing" Elo by J...
mark87212 Website Logon 30/Dec/20 15:23 Zebroe smurf - yaluzan
ruca Website Logon 28/Dec/20 18:04 alt account, use your main. - ...
infamous Gather 28/Dec/15 18:16 Griefing, (INFO: this is a war...
bollox Website Logon 27/Dec/15 14:13 Didn't show up for gather - Ya...
Malware Gather 26/Dec/15 19:41 Left the gather at first round...
izO Website Logon 26/Dec/15 12:49 Watch your language, personall...
izO Gather 29/Dec/15 17:44 Quit gather after 1st round. ...
tap Gather 24/Dec/15 14:00 Banned for switching teams at ...
Senpai_Robot Gather 21/Dec/15 18:00 Banned for dissapearing from a...
izO Gather 15/Dec/15 07:50 Quit 2nd half of Gather.
loMe Gather 04/Dec/15 20:09
HYPIE Gather 14/Nov/15 14:28 Temp ban till we talked about ...
tyrer1246 Gather 12/Nov/15 22:11 24 Hour Ban for RQ'd Gather.
Kelmops_noBM Gather 29/Oct/15 11:00 Unsportsmanlike behavior in ga...
tap Gather 27/Oct/15 19:00 Made a smurf account on ensl.o...
DMD-THOR Website Logon 20/Oct/20 21:43 Smurf - Yaluzan
Marisa Gather 19/Oct/15 08:52 Didn't show up for gather - Ya...
zezebox Gather 31/Dec/20 17:59 Requested to be permabanned hi...
moza Gather 08/Oct/15 23:49 pls bruh stahp the trolling.
Moadib Gather 06/Oct/15 08:49 Consistently not showing up to...
GaussWaffle Gather 30/Sep/15 22:05 Didn't show up for a gather.
obvstroll Website Logon 24/Dec/19 23:43 pls bruh
zezebox Gather 08/Oct/15 09:55 Repeated deliberate trolling i...
easymode Website Logon 31/Dec/20 15:53 Bubba smurf account
Kelmops_noBM Gather 20/Sep/15 13:13 Joined new gather while other ...
cabooble Gather 14/Sep/15 00:06 24h ban for leaving the Gather...
Kelmops_noBM Gather 04/Sep/15 06:00 Multiple Violation of ENSL con...
BauerJankins Gather 04/Sep/15 06:00 Violation of gather rules. - S...
KingCovert Gather 04/Sep/15 06:00 Multiple Violation of ENSL con...
removed_5820 Gather 11/Sep/15 18:00 Multiple Violation of ENSL con...
+1nslfrogs Website Logon 26/Aug/20 12:55 Double Account -Sephy.
orangeuglad Website Logon 21/Aug/20 05:56 Double account. -simple
Trademark Contests 12/May/20 17:59 Permabanned for (D)DOSsing and...
seriouspoint Website Logon 08/Aug/20 17:01 Smurf account. -simple
bfox982 Gather 07/Aug/15 21:03 Did not show up for gather 24h...
zezebox Gather 29/Jul/15 17:23 Did not join Gather
# 585 NS Servers 24/Jul/17 11:09 Toxic Player
Prommah Gather 26/Jul/15 02:10 Generally being an idiot. ~Pro...
removed Gather 18/Jul/15 18:20 24hr Ban - Disrupting Gather S...
Dean0 Gather 18/Jul/15 18:20 24hr Ban - Disrupting Gather S...
LyDDa Gather 18/Jul/15 18:20 24hr Ban - Disrupting Gather S...
inmate Gather 18/Jul/15 18:20 24hr Ban - Disrupting Gather S...
Bubba Gather 27/May/15 21:03 24 hr ban - AFK-ing/Trolling -...
Logen-Ninefingers Gather 16/May/15 20:32 Didn't show up in the gather m...
tap Gather 11/May/15 12:23 Joined a gather and didn't sho...
Logen-Ninefingers Gather 11/May/15 14:05 Joined a gather twice and didn...
zezebox Gather 14/May/15 04:30 not showing again - Sephy*-
zezebox Gather 04/May/15 20:15 Didn't show on gather. -Sephy*
lebra Commenting 30/Apr/15 18:21
Bobsnipe50 Gather 18/Apr/15 17:21 didn't show up
Moadib Gather 18/Apr/15 17:59 played cs
YHero Gather 12/Apr/15 19:29 Didn't show on the gather / 24...
zezebox Gather 13/Apr/15 14:57 Sorry baby darling, but it's t...
zezebox Gather 10/Apr/15 17:59 Banned for raging in gather an...
removed412512 Gather 16/Mar/15 19:12 he refused to listen to his co...
Razghul Gather 07/Mar/15 10:00 Didn't find a merc as replacem...
waterivesi Gather 07/Mar/15 12:00 Didn't show up in a gather -S...
zRn Gather 27/Feb/15 14:30 Left a gather. - Sephy
skyice Website Logon 16/Feb/15 18:39 three day ban for bullshit hos...
swalk Website Logon 29/Jan/15 14:10
Trademark Contests 01/Jun/15 01:00
migalski Gather 11/Jan/15 07:51 AFK During a gather -Unique
mncl Gather 11/Jan/15 07:39 AFK During a gather -Unique
Frozen Gather 01/Jan/15 15:03 Joined the gather yesterday an...
Sardine Gather 14/Dec/14 17:16 AFK in a gather without saying...
swalk Gather 14/Dec/14 17:14 AFK in a gather without saying...
keLLa Gather 14/Dec/14 14:34 AFK in a gather without saying...
Mega Gather 14/Dec/14 13:29 AFK in a gather without saying...
Babbler Website Logon 13/Dec/14 18:24 Zefram
SwedishVikingSWE Website Logon 13/Dec/14 18:13 Zefram
Durkmons Website Logon 01/Jan/15 00:59 General buffoonery. - Zefram
Jones Gather 17/Nov/14 10:59 Not showing up at the gather
Tinki Gather 03/Nov/14 15:27 Banned for Ragequit after boob...
tealc Gather 27/Oct/14 18:48 Banned for ragequit the gather...
PASCOW Gather 01/Nov/14 15:56 Banned fo troll gather. ...
EvilBot Contests 01/Jan/15 00:59 Banned for the rest of the Sea...
i-liek-turtals Gather 02/Sep/14 17:49 Ban for leaving a gather witho...
ZEBROE Website Logon 01/Jan/15 01:00 Persistence in creating multip...
ZEBROE Gather 28/Aug/14 13:00 Joining gathers before the one...
Bubba Gather 24/Aug/14 01:38 TK'ing teammates and disruptin...
Valk NS Servers 17/Aug/14 11:30 Ragequit during a gather.
ragnasty Gather 17/Aug/14 08:44 afk as gather captain
Cr4zy Contests 27/Aug/14 01:00 Banned for disrupting a match ...
Golden_Boy Gather 30/Jun/14 16:58 RQ during the gather.
OwNzOr Gather 29/Jun/14 13:30 AFK as gather captain. Again.....
Golden_Boy Gather 28/Jun/14 16:00 Ragequit during a gather.
removed_5820 Gather 28/Jun/14 10:00 Keep playing with troll nickna...
Salad Gather 25/Jun/14 11:00 Afk in gather
Chb Gather 20/May/14 11:00 No showing up in a gather. 1h ...
Mega Gather 17/May/14 09:00 Afk in a gather.
Bubba Gather 15/May/14 22:18 Wrong steam-id again...Last wa...
Mikan Gather 13/May/14 09:00 Afk on a gather.
Sinz Gather 06/May/14 17:13 Spamming french talk and 'rage...
HYPIE Gather 01/May/14 10:00 No showing up in a gather.
Bubba Gather 27/Apr/14 13:00 Wrong SteamID. Players have to...
Percy Gather 22/Apr/14 17:00 No showing up for Gather
RobP Gather 19/Apr/14 16:35 not showing up
Hyste Gather 12/Apr/14 06:33 No showing up for Gather
removed Gather 11/Apr/14 11:00 Afk during a gather.
Wob Gather 08/Apr/14 14:14 Wobbed for Not showing up in g...
BaKouneT NS Servers 12/Apr/14 15:37 Needlessly entering a NSL serv...
Ben Gather 04/Apr/14 12:58 No showing up
Pipo Gather 10/Apr/14 20:00 Trolling, Flame, Drunk and eve...
Osku Gather 29/Mar/14 12:36 Voted as Captain in the Gather...
tap Gather 29/Mar/14 09:14 Not showing up in the Gather
oJay Gather 28/Mar/14 09:00 Now showing up in the gather
Sadenki Gather 28/Mar/14 09:00 Now showing up in the gather
Duivel Gather 28/Mar/14 09:00 Now showing up in the gather
Ben Gather 26/Mar/14 09:21 Now showing up in the gather
Moadib Gather 23/Mar/14 08:47 Fake account Jean_Luc_Picard
OwNzOr Gather 13/Mar/14 13:01 AFK and no MSG about it, 11 pl...
Darkray Gather 10/Mar/14 20:44 Leaving the gather after 1 rou...
Sinz Gather 15/Mar/14 09:00 Ragequit during a gather, midd...
Arj Gather 01/Mar/14 10:11 AFK in the middle of the game ...
aggressiveB Website Logon 06/Feb/14 13:59 Refusing to be captain and dis...
Wob Gather 04/Feb/14 19:00 Exploiting in gather
JarO Gather 14/Aug/17 16:06 Joins gather with no intention...
bl1tz Website Logon 14/Oct/15 19:00 server exploit ...
meta4 Website Logon 08/Oct/15 20:45 server exploit
Halber_Mensch Website Logon 05/Nov/17 19:24 double account
New Ban