This is what I received during this night :
This is my answer :
Double bracket on playoffs (double elimination). This is just an example of what could happen. If you lose in playoff, you go to the loser bracket, if you lose in the loser bracket, then you are out of the playoffs.
What happen ?
* EU/NA groupstage
* Merge in playoffs :
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd of each EU and NA groups go to what I called "prem playoffs"
- 4th, 5th and 6th go to what I called "D1 Playoffs".
Advantage :
* Groupstage are EU/NA. Since EU players (at least a lot of them) want to play less match against NA players cuz this is crappy to schedule and high ping (myb you guys in NA are used to it, but we arent and we cry, yell and whine a lot when we die around corners).
I know some NA teams are saying "we gonna disband if it's EU/NA group cuz the skill gap is too big in NA group". This is bullshit, we, EU players, could threat ppl with the same argument : we gonna disband if it's not EU/NA groups. It's like saying "if it's not how we want it to be, we gonna disband"
Why merge in playoffs (instead of Sephy solution #2), cuz there is no "good" argument to play the playoffs with EU/NA separated.
why should we play with EU/NA groups ? Cuz the less high ping matches EU players have to play, the happier they will be. Moreover, with the last seeding sheet I've seen, NA teams complaining about skill gap in US group gonna be stomp in a lot of matches too (Sephy got another sheet explaining that I think)
Why double bracket ? Cuz it's fun. It is simple to read : 1st place NA plays 3rd place EU, 2nd place NAplays 2nd place EU and 3rd plays 1st. Exactly the same on d1 playoffs. If you lose one match you go down to the loser bracket and got another chance to get to the final. The biggest disadvantage is that there should be 2 teams which will play against each other twice.
Why should we do this ?
People wants to play good matches at good time and with good pings. Split EU/NA on group allow to play good pings and good time with some (not all) good matches. Playoffs allow to play with only teams of your supposed skill even if it can't always be low pings and best time schedules. But why this, everyone will play less high ping matches cuz we gonna merge in playoffs only. With the current seeding, we should play high pings during groupstage AND playoffs.
About the double bracket, this delay the end of the season for 1 or 2 weeks. While "normal playoffs" in winner bracket are playing, looser bracket play its matches too. But the winner of the winner bracket, need to wait the winner of the loser bracket. Moreover, on the seeding I received, there is 8 weeks for groupstage, on mine there is 6 on EU, 5 on NA.