ENSL Plugin
ENSL Plugin
ENSL Plugin is a multi-purpose AMXX-plugin to help address issues, administer server and do miscellaenous tasks on official game servers. Credits go to the Jim "JazzX" Olson who gave the CALns-plugin source which this plugin was originally based on, although now heavily modified and new features added.
If you've found a bug or issue, please use this form to report it.
- Forfeit clock to make sure teams ready up in time
- Player's ENSL Information checking from ENSL DB with verification
- Snapshots with verified player information
- Extra consistency files added
- Rates and certain variables are checked for correct values
- Rate changing causes kick in-game if not in readyroom
- Icons for admins, refs, donators and champions
- Referees can administrate with over 20 different commands
- Rejoin delay when disconnecting from onos belly
- Flashlight spam blocker
- Mercenary limiting during officials
- Spectator mode and team player number is limited during officals
- Chat moderation during officials
- Unstuck feature
- Different combat modes (celeresupply for fun warmup, ENSL combat)
- Icons for different contributors
- Command to /makeroom to kick extra spectators
- Waypoint overflow fix by Asmodee
say /ensl
- Displays plugin information.
say /stuck
- Unstucks you. There's a random delay before it happens.
say /check
- Checks your rates. If nothing is printed, they are fine.
say /whois [playername]
- Shows ENSL player information about given player.
say /mercs
- Shows opponents' curent mercs.
say /mercsok
- Allows opponents' curent mercs.
say /ok
- Approves mercing when asked for approval.
say /makeroom
- Kicks the last joined spec
setinfo enslicon [num]
- Sets your icon (-1=default, 1=donor 2=champion, 3=ref, 4=admin) if you have multiple available for you. You need to swap teams for it take effect.
amx_enslinfo [server/marines/aliens/others]
- Shows player / serverinfo. The first argument can be any of the given options without brackets of course.
amx_enslcfg [pcw]
- Loads official ENSL settings if no arguments are given. If the argument pcw is given recommended PCW settings are loaded - they generaly disable forfeit clock etc. useless stuff.
Known Issues
There is one known issue. Sometimes you may get some other person's information and you may be registered to wrong team. You can check this with amx_enslinfo. Retrying will fix this.
What are the approved rates / settings?
- : 10000 - 25000
- : 50 - 150
- : 40 - 150
- : 0-10
- 50-300
- 0
- : 1
- : 0
- : 256/512
- Do not change any of these when the game is in progress. If you type
- before the game start, the plugin will show if there are any violations.
Do admins have some kind of backdoor into my server?
- Not really, there are not any hidden backdoors, we want to establish mutual trust between staff and server operators. However naturally we cannot guarantee that the plugin is 100% secure as usual with free software.
Does the plugin affect server performance?
- Simple answer: not really.
- Its well possible to run a stable 1000 FPS server with the ENSL Plugin. During a normal page, the only thing causing overhead (in addition to Amxmodx and Metamod which are necessary for this plugin), is rate checking and random snapshots. Rate checking is optimized to be as efficient as possible with AMXX.
- The features of this plugin are mostly event and command initiated and not something that is done every server cycle. So no - we don't play with
- or anything stupid like that.
- When I inspected the server FPS with the plugin running and 16 players, there was no difference to normal. Besides, unless you are running PentiumII the HLDS should take about 30-50% of your CPU.
- However when a round ends, it prints player information to everyone's console which shows up as a spike in
- (check here). But that's only after the game's over so it won't affect game performance.
Admin Options
Here're are the server commands for referees. They work everywhere ENSL Plugin is installed referee acess (ensl_refaccess set to 1) is allowed, and the user has ref access. The server admin can execute these commands with rcon.
Function Command Arguments
Shows useful info amx_enslinfo [server/marines/aliens/others]
Pause the game amx_enslpause
Load settings amx_enslcfg [pcw=PCW-settings or empty=Official-settings]
Set server cvar amx_enslcvar [name] [value]
Kick/ban player amx_enslkick [name/#ID] ([bantime(mins)] ["reason"])
Limit talking amx_enslvoice [empty=freetalk or name/#ID]
Change map amx_enslmap [mapname]
Adjust forfeit clock amx_enslclock [mins] [secs]
Force snapshot amx_enslshot [name/#ID]
Global say amx_enslsay [message]
Set password amx_enslpwd [password]
Toggle mercing amx_enslmerc [name/#ID] [team]
Gag a player amx_enslgag [name/#ID]
Move to new server amx_enslmove [ip:port] [password]
Order a HLTV amx_enslhltv [matchID/demoname]
List ENSL commands amx_enslhelp
List ENSL variables amx_enslcvars
Server CVARs
Here's a list of CVAR's that go with amx_enslcvar.
ensl_minrate & ensl_maxrate
- Sets the minimum and maximum rate allowed for players.
ensl_mincmdrate & ensl_maxcmdrate
- Sets the minimum and maximum cl_cmdrate allowed for players.
ensl_minupdaterate & ensl_maxupdaterate
- Sets the minimum anx maximum cl_updaterate allowed for players.
ensl_checkids [0 = off, 1 = on]
- Toggles player ID fetching from ENSL database.
ensl_snapshots [0 = off, 1 = on]
- Toggles player snapshots on death.
ensl_checkrates [0 = off, 1 = on+kick, 2 = on+warning, 3 = fetch only]
- Toggles player rate fetching and checking according to settings
ensl_ffclock [0 = off, 1 = on]
- Toggles forfeit clock when ready has been said.
ensl_merclimit [0 = off, 1 = on]
- Toggles merclimiting which prevents mercenaries (in dfferent team by ENSL DB) to join the team after ready has been said or the game is running.
ensl_teamlimit [num]
- Allows only given number of players to be on marines/aliens when game is running and prevents ready'ing with different number of players.
ensl_speclimit [0 = off, 1 = on]
- Toggles speclimiting which prevents non-referees to join spectators mid-game.
ensl_refaccess [0 = off, 1 = on]
- Toggles whether referees can use referee admin commands.
ensl_combatmode [0 = off, 1 = celeresupply, 2 = ensl rules, 3 = fade/sg, 4 = skulk/sg, 5 = lerk/lmg]
- Toggles combat upgrade limitations.
ensl_membersonly [0 = off, 1 = on]
- Toggles ENSL registration required for joining marines or aliens.
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