Statistical Insights into ENSL Gathers
Statistical Insights into ENSL Gathers I was bored had to learn for my exams at university but didn’t feel like it. So I finally but my coding skills as a student of computer science to work and did an analysis of ENSL gathers. What follows is pure knowledge about 430 players who participated in 2.422 gathers, distributed among 17 maps and 16 servers.
The results
Top 20 Players by number of Gathers
- jiriki: 1171 (48%)
- multi: 689 (28%)
- Saebelzahnelefant: 688 (28%)
- EisTee: 669 (28%)
- NecRos_aka_Ninjew: 622 (26%)
- blind: 619 (26%)
- homik: 595 (25%)
- sancezz: 562 (23%)
- bHack: 547 (23%)
- noway: 543 (22%)
- Osku: 532 (22%)
- vartija: 525 (22%)
- LiZo4ka: 502 (21%)
- Co-il: 501 (21%)
- aA: 490 (20%)
- king_yo: 462 (19%)
- ykarus: 462 (19%)
- Snake: 446 (18%)
- Danny: 431 (18%)
- sonder: 394 (16%)
To give you a better understanding of what that means, here is a diagram showing the probability of a player joining a (random) given gather. Obviously jiriki wins because he participated in tests (and is an addict with no real life, which is ok since he lives in Denmark or something).
For those of you with no understand f the basic concept of numbers (like women, especially Liza) this means then when you observe* a gather, there is a 48% chance, that jiriki will be in it and a 16% chance, that sonder will be in it.
Top 20 players by number of gathers played as captain
- jiriki: 450
- multi: 369
- aA: 355
- Danny: 267
- NecRos_aka_Ninjew: 213
- pzdc: 198
- king_yo: 190
- frG: 189
- dugi: 183
- ret: 157
- Snake: 134
- Fana: 123
- ykarus: 112
- s4druid: 99
- mkz: 92
- Kuitmo: 90
- doctor: 75
- vartija: 74
- noway: 69
- sonder: 68
Obviously these are just raw numbers and thus flawed by the number of gathers each player participated in. So lets look a percent.
Top 20 players by percent of gathers played as captain
- neuneuil: 100%
- fr4ggie: 100%
- j0ke: 100%
- Tane: 73%
- aA: 72%
- Fana: 72%
- dfairy: 67%
- dugi: 64%
- Danny: 62%
- M: 60%
- Peacham: 57%
- HiVeFiSh: 57%
- pzdc: 55%
- multi: 54%
- s4druid: 51%
- frG: 50%
- enigmatic: 50%
- elynn: 50%
- GibbZ: 50%
- _PC: 50%
100% OMG they must be godlike. Wait they only participated in one gather each. So lets set a minimum number a gather one must have participated in.
Top 20 players with at least 10 gathers by percent of gathers played as captain
- Tane: 73%
- aA: 72%
- Fana: 72%
- dugi: 64%
- Danny: 62%
- Peacham: 57%
- pzdc: 55%
- multi: 54%
- s4druid: 51%
- frG: 50%
- enigmatic: 50%
- elynn: 50%
- GibbZ: 50%
- Kuitmo: 47%
- mkz: 47%
- Tweadle: 43%
- ret: 41%
- king_yo: 41%
- jiriki: 38%
- NecRos_aka_Ninjew: 34%
Not much of a surprise there.
Who cares about players? They are just a means to an end. What end? Whining about rates and ping of course. And what is most important for that? Shitty server likes the ones provided by the ENSL.
Top 12 servers with at least 10 gathers played on them
Obviously this numbers to not account for people voting one server and then playing on another.
- ENSL #02: 1511 (62%)
- ENSL #04: 636 (26%)
- ENSL #13: 70 (3%)
- ENSL #12: 49 (2%)
- ENSL #9: 31 (1%)
- Gather Server: 19 (1%)
- ENSL #10 : 18 (1%)
- ENSL #15: 18 (1%)
- ENSL #6: 16 (1%)
- ENSL #05: 13 (1%)
First maps with at least 10 votes
- ns_veil: 1528 (63%)
- ns_tanith: 413 (17%)
- ns_origin: 158 (7%)
- co_core: 61 (3%)
- ns_eclipse: 60 (2%)
- ns_orbital_anslv2: 55 (2%)
- ns_ayumi_e_b5: 52 (2%)
- ns_metal: 34 (1%)
- ns_lucid: 27 (1%)
- ns_lost: 17 (1%)
Since the first map is the only map in most gathers I choose to visualize only this one:
Second maps with at least 10 votes
- ns_tanith: 978 (40%)
- ns_origin: 370 (15%)
- ns_veil: 325 (13%)
- ns_orbital_anslv2: 195 (8%)
- ns_ayumi_e_b5: 123 (5%)
- ns_lucid: 111 (5%)
- ns_metal: 97 (4%)
- ns_eclipse: 92 (4%)
- ns_lost: 46 (2%)
- co_core: 39 (2%)
- ns_caged: 19 (1%)
- ns_eon: 14 (1%)
Maps with at least 10 votes
- ns_veil: 1853 (77%)
- ns_tanith: 1391 (57%)
- ns_origin: 528 (22%)
- ns_orbital_anslv2: 250 (10%)
- ns_ayumi_e_b5: 175 (7%)
- ns_eclipse: 152 (6%)
- ns_lucid: 138 (6%)
- ns_metal: 131 (5%)
- co_core: 100 (4%)
- ns_lost: 63 (3%)
- ns_caged: 25 (1%)
- ns_eon: 19 (1%)
About the analysis
I wrote a script that pulled information from all the gather pages. At that point (end of January) 2.639 gathers have supposedly been played. This includes test runs of the script, etc. In the end I got 2.422 valid gathers, of which some were probably just test runs as well. Who care about mathematics and accuracy, n = 2422.
Of course most of my assumptions are wrong, since I assume that there is no such thing as being active for some months and then inactive for some time. But this is about fun, not science.
*: Observe because if you join the gather yourself you totally chance everything. Like when the Austrian duo infernale Saebelzahnelefant and EisTee join a gather everybody knows they will ragequit after one round, so no one bothers joining that gather anymore.
About the author
Testosteron is running the German NS1/NS2 website Others describe him as awesome, legendary and godlike. At least that is what he likes to believe when he sits in front of his computer, imaging what it would be like to leave his flat and actually meet other people.
Also a lot could be investigated regarding game balance, player activity, player skill etc. from gameplay logs. There're probably nearly 6.000-10.000 matches recorded.
12 February 2011, 05:40
12 February 2011, 07:29
Btw...when did you create the plugin Jiriki?
12 February 2011, 07:38
Just had Lunch with Saebel and there was no raging at all !!
12 February 2011, 08:16
12 February 2011, 09:17
12 February 2011, 09:18
12 February 2011, 09:27
12 February 2011, 09:35
12 February 2011, 10:49
12 February 2011, 10:50
12 February 2011, 10:56
12 February 2011, 12:21
12 February 2011, 12:21
12 February 2011, 20:08
btw nice work testo :)
12 February 2011, 20:10
547/7 = ~78 gathers per month.
which means I've played average of 2.8~ gathers per day. I would say it's ok.
12 February 2011, 22:26
15 February 2011, 23:22
16 February 2011, 03:16
if its for 1 year =365 days,
jiriki played 1171 games
-jirĀ“s birthday
-10 days buying foodstuff
-maybe 1 shower
yeah your statistic make sense and is obsly right !
16 February 2011, 03:33
l2read in the end it even says only 2422 were actually valid so basically this is from start of the gathersys till end of january !
16 February 2011, 07:05
16 February 2011, 09:29
16 February 2011, 12:09
16 February 2011, 12:47
16 February 2011, 12:51
16 February 2011, 17:07
16 February 2011, 17:55
16 February 2011, 18:01
17 February 2011, 03:35
18 February 2011, 08:40
18 February 2011, 08:55
30 March 2011, 09:38
30 March 2011, 10:21
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