i have like 3 copies if you need 1. I know you're at a lowe point, but never stop improving. This is the friendly place for you. Let's build something together
6:31 PM - Trademark: not going to
6:31 PM - ragnasaur: dont
6:36 PM - ragnasaur: dont tell them
6:36 PM - ragnasaur: you will give me away
WAS IT ME THO????????????????????
3. If you know of others using them in the NA community - why not name them so they can be investigated. You literally have nothing to lose at this point.
Dat Nr.3, "good guy who knows how to cheat in ns" sounds to me like a fucking douche, and should propably go and just stand infront of a moving train. Nuff said
All this "i never cheat before and only want to see how it looks" is complete bullshit.
Same with "i was only using cheats to see if someone else is cheating".
And its very interisting that someone who is using cheats and give them to others is a "good guy".
Like-minded persons are protecting each others asses. Congrats.
We don't know the extent of Trademark's use of cheat programs and whether they were regulated to pugs, scrims, and pubs or if they were used in actual matches. Neither is ok.
What we do know is Trademark has multiple VAC bans across multiple steam accounts (at least 2 that I'm aware of).
We also know that one of his teammates sent me a screenshot of a player using chams (Trademark's admitted cheat) over a month ago. While admittedly the screenshot was a stock photo from a defunct hack, it points to an awareness that this sort of behavior was happening either within the team or at least within the community. That or it's just HIGHLY coincidental that he shows me that screenshot and a month later a teammate gets VAC banned and admits to using that very cheat or one similar to it.
Although Trademark and I have butted heads in the past, I still want to treat him fairly and consistently with what has been done in the past and with personal feelings aside. This situation warrants the same sanctions levied against Evilbot when he was found cheating. Trademark will be banned from participation in the next season of the NSL and allowed to return under the stipulation that he streams all his matches.
The NSL values and desires fair play. We will do everything possible to protect that so that everyone who participates can enjoy the game. If you're someone who cheats or are helping others to cheat, you're not a "good guy". You're a scumbag and you weaken our community.