S5: Premier League
Sunday 12 November 2006
22:00 CET
Predictions (0)
Match Report
1st round: Levitacus Marines, Reflect Aliens
Kylma goes for the chair. Three marines go to dbl. Aliens have fus hive and they build 4 rts. Marines push to cargo but they get killed by skulks and gorges. Basebuilders head to chem, take the rt down there and continue to sat but die there. After a while, marines have Waste, West and Double rts and are pushing to sat and acidic. Duo gets the fade already and aliens manage to hold both nodes. When the clock hits 5mins, aliens have all the eastern nodes and marines have all the western nodes + base rt. Half a minute later, aliens have hive going up. Marines react fast, open the weld route to the sate and hit the hive with shotguns. Hive goes goes down accompanied by a lerk. Then begins the period of static warfare for like 7mins. Aliens lose lifeforms but get new ones with their res savings. Aliens drop the waste hive which is easily taken down by marines. At that moment, marines had a full team of sgs with 2:1 upgrades whereas aliens had 3mcs, 1 fade and 1 lerk. Marines still keep on strenghtening and after a while, the fus hive is taken down.
2nd round: Reflect Marines, Levitacus Aliens
DrFurious is the comm. Three marines go straight to the double. Marines build armory, ip and arms lab in the base just like Levitacus did in the first round. Aliens get the Satellite hive. Levitacus builds acid and fus rts. Reflect spends a bit over a minute at double and move to cargo with a shotgun and 2 lmg marines while 1 lmg caps the west side. Marines then manage to build a fast pg at Fusion while they hold 4+1 rts in the western side of map. Aliens get mcs and scale goes for the lerk. Marines manage to hold the pg in fusion and aliens start hitting marine nodes aggressively. Just when the time is 4 minutes, Invasion's fade goes up while the res hitting continues. Aliens drop hive in Waste at 5mins. Marines attack it; aliens lose lerk and finally the hive after some even fighting. At 8mins marines still have 1:1 upgrades, hold 3+1 rts and 2 pgs (CAT, Fus). After a minute, aliens manage to destroy Fusion's PG. Aliens drop a hive, Kiviheikki takes the second fade while Inva is still alive and kicking. Then aliens hit some minor obstacles:
Marines however lack res and have still 1:1 upgrades. Marines recap and try to build up a pg in cargo, unsuccessfully. They organize a new attack group which manages to hit hive but gets owned by 2-hive creatures. Aliens get scs, third hive and the game is over after a while.
3rd round: Levitacus Marines, Reflect Aliens
Hive is gen, com is Kylma. Two marines go to port, three build base. Aliens build BigRoom, J-Turn and Obs. Marines from the port go to the BigRoom but die there without getting the rt down. Basebuilders walk to Atrium and build a PG there. Aliens get 2mcs, marines push to Obs and J-turn. At 3mins, aliens still hold their 3 rts and marines have managed to cap 4+1 rts. Then marines get J-turn down and aliens drop a hive in Obs. First rush of marines fails but few minutes later both fade and lerk get killed. Aliens don't have higher lifeforms which means a piece of cake for marines. Hive goes down and marines take the upper hand in the battle. Slowly marines advance to Gen which goes down at 15mins.
4th round: Reflect Marines, Levitacus Aliens
Reflect has some internal rage, drama or whatever which makes half of their players quit.
12 November 2006, 23:28
12 November 2006, 23:29
12 November 2006, 23:30
13 November 2006, 00:15
13 November 2006, 00:32
13 November 2006, 00:40
- Ok Ben
13 November 2006, 01:05
13 November 2006, 01:38
13 November 2006, 01:40
13 November 2006, 01:45
nice job jiriki
13 November 2006, 04:04
13 November 2006, 09:43
13 November 2006, 11:30
nice job jiriki wanna know that too!
13 November 2006, 16:55
13 November 2006, 18:02
13 November 2006, 18:07
pr0 American ppl will never beat the best european teams.
18 November 2006, 17:55
3 December 2006, 23:01
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