- Tweadle
- tjerge
- Mt
- Monk
- Lego
- Altbst
- Admirable
- Elvisq
- SlayerX
- nsk
- GoUrAnG
- GeRM
- xassidy
S6: 2nd Div. Group A
Thursday 22 February 2007
17:00 EST
Predictions (49)
Velvet Coat Squad
Kutas Gaming
Match Report
good play from both teams, most interesting rounds was the first:
ns_eclipse, =V kharaa, [kg] frontiersmen.
[kg] made a rush to south loop with 3 men, hereby cutting the aliens off from building an rt in that area, velvet got CC rt up but couldnt save it from getting shot down.
this would give [kg] the advantage of the game but velvet responded very well by not giving the marines any rts on an already resource poor map. some good fading by Mt kept the marines off from getting phasegates and map control generally, and eventually the second hive got up and the marines had no res ..and lost :P
ns_orbital also had both kharaa teams win, one of those due to a baserush early game by [kg].
all in all the marine rounds were the worst.
22 February 2007, 18:29
22 February 2007, 18:35
Elvisq | Team Four
22 February 2007, 18:52
22 February 2007, 20:38
Admirable | God Squad
Shame about the base rush =D
I have love for the Polacks, because they send their sexy wimmens over to Irelands for the working and this makes me happy; seksual you noes like?!
Admirable <3 Boomgourang
23 February 2007, 00:00
Dr_G | ">
23 February 2007, 03:59
23 February 2007, 04:58
Elvisq | Team Four
23 February 2007, 05:51
SlayerX | Team Poland
23 February 2007, 06:27
23 February 2007, 14:02
wp polaks, nice sg'ing
23 February 2007, 16:31
23 February 2007, 23:13
kurze | Velvet Coat Squad
26 February 2007, 16:24
2 March 2007, 09:34
kurze | Velvet Coat Squad
2 March 2007, 17:45
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