• Invasion Blank
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S1: 1st Division

Friday 20 May 2005
19:00 -03

Predictions (0)

ns_tanith, ns_lost

Match Report

It was a very interesting game and if i would have to report the hole game i would have to write 10+ pages =) So here the report a bit shortend :

Ns_Tanith(Levitacus : Rine / Boonsquad : Alien )
1. Round : Comm :kylma
Hive : Waste

Levitacus basiclly got dres , killed fusion,acid,cargo,chem rts and put their rts up. Afterwards , the got Fusion and sat a phase up to secure they build a tf and turrets . Fusion they just but some mines. they got the Aliens back into their Hive and then got a phase up at waste. they secured it with mines . The only problem was the lerk of bs. it was a nasty spore lerk and levitacus had to wait to get ha till they rushed into waste to take it down !
Levitacus 1:0 Boonsquad

2.Round : Comm : onosendai (Boonsquad : Rine / Levitacus : Alien )
Hive : waste

levitacus got pretty muched pressured by Boonsquad from the first second on till the middle of the Game.But then Levitacus got an agressiv lerk up who got the Rines to back of from their hive. After 7 mins the first Fade came. From then on Boonsquad didnt really have much room to plan and sneek up phases. The rounds ends by boonsquad recycling base.
Levitacus 2:0 Boonsquad

3.Round Comm : Onosendai(Levitacus : Alien / Boonsquad : Rine )
Main : Cargo
Boonsquad tried to get Temprature Control under Control , but didnt quiet achiev because of that nasty Lerk again. Boonsquad got forced back again from the lerk and then basiclly lost again because they had no res + room for playing their tactic.

4. Round Comm : Kylma
Main : Cargo

because of some funnys reason Boonsquad also got Cargo as main hive. This Round was probably the best. boonsquad came back into the game. The Teamplay started coming and one couldnt tell like in the first 3 rounds who was gonna win. Boonsquad put up Alpha Hive. Levitacus noticed it and got a Phase up. The Alpha rush didnt work. Then the Lerk and Fade got all the Rines to concentarte on keeping Temprature and so the skulks could eat the Rts of Levitacus. Levitacus got 5 Heavys up with 2 Rts and so boonsquad had to get an Onos. The Onos died once. After that they just rushed the Base and the game was over...

Sorry for this short and not detailled Report, but im a bit tiered afzter getting up at 5 am this morning.

i didnt mention Hopeanuoli in he lign up of levitacus! sry for that! so Hopeanuoli played too =)



Blank aA


21 May 2005, 07:59


Blank tjab0 | el'pheer


21 May 2005, 14:50


Blank g

Was a crap game for me personally, 2 server changes left me playing with up to 17 loss and masses of choke which was frustrating beyond belief.

Credit to Levitacus and credit to BS for playing with a last minute team.

21 May 2005, 19:29


Blank Disqo

Would be great to have the demos on this site. Im afraid to click any link on a french site, I might accidentally order a truck load of baguettes with my language skillz.

22 May 2005, 01:12


Blank lump

wish i coulda played it :(

22 May 2005, 19:32

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