S6: 1st Div. Group A
Sunday 4 March 2007
22:00 CET
Predictions (0)
Match Report
tanith has been played: marine tie
lost hasnt been played because of the "strictness" of ENSL-rules and flatline decided to give saunamen a forfeit instead of having endless discussions or playing on a NON-ENSL-conform server
6 March 2007, 11:55
6 March 2007, 13:16
6 March 2007, 16:19
Their behavior was unworthy for a premiere League Team.
6 March 2007, 20:12
6 March 2007, 21:30
6 March 2007, 21:52
If your opponet does not to want to play in your server two maps you should respect their decision instead of crying.
7 March 2007, 11:11
7 March 2007, 17:14
7 March 2007, 17:15
7 March 2007, 17:39
There were no other servers available and you had already agreed to play second map in our server. Maybe we could have been able to get another server if you wouldnt ragequitted.
Maybe you should look to mirror instead of accusing us.
7 March 2007, 18:38
7 March 2007, 18:41
Yeah right thats pretty unfair of us and i feel the need to apologize.
So now we wanted you to play on our server ware you had a terrible high ping ( ca. +20ms more). I dont know how i could have suggested that.
Tane you dont get it do you ?
YOU wanted us to play on a unplayable server.
YOU didnt want to change the server.
YOU enforced a forefit win.
YOU said our server is shit, even though its perfectly fine for everybody else and there are no facts supporting your claim.
and i didnt see you not regging there ...
So right we are the ones that lack sportsmanship ...
7 March 2007, 18:58
7 March 2007, 19:01
7 March 2007, 20:27
the netgraph was horrable.
it was unplayable for us and i think for most of u our server was better, too... so i just cant understand why the hell u wanted to play on this shit server...
be happy with ur 2 free points and stop talking shit about sportsmanship everyone can see that the server wasnt ensl-conform and i think everyone can understand that we dont want to play against an eu team with even higher pings then against an american team...
7 March 2007, 21:43
7 March 2007, 23:35
9 March 2007, 03:09
but doing a finnish team vs non-finnish team on NSFI is really unfair- not only because non Finns/Scandinavians have a high ping, but also because finns have a <20 ping. There's often up to a 100ms ping difference, which makes the alien game much harder than it normally is for the western euros.
but M- some people do have routing problems to your server. i know dux has a constant 20+ loss on that server.
looking at this chat, it looks as if sauna have been a bit mean by enforcing a win. our league is so small that i dont like seeing forefeits when the match could be played. but hey- rules are rules i guess.
10 March 2007, 12:26
10 March 2007, 16:39
11 March 2007, 05:37
11 March 2007, 13:16
Oh no the mighty saunamen dropped a round quick lets swap to a server where we have a very clear advantage 90% of the time, the other 10% of the time we'll ping spike too.
Flatline should get the extra two points because saunamen are upholding the finnish tradition of being whiney faggots. Only difference they might win something this time around because everyone else worth a damn has quit. PROPS TO ALL OF YOU FOR MAKING THIS BIG STEP INTO THE UPPER ECHELON OF NATURAL SELECTION.
11 March 2007, 22:23
Your argument (is that what it is?) doesn't even make sense tmk's-alias-of-the-week.
12 March 2007, 03:12
fana: it isnt an argument. i'm just delightful to find that i can actually sometimes play a few rounds on a server where i dont have a routing thats beyond every spectrum of shittyness. no need to give any "but it sucks for everyone else", because we dont care.
12 March 2007, 18:44
12 March 2007, 18:45
12 March 2007, 20:45
20 March 2007, 13:50
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