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S8: 1st Division
Sunday 11 November 2007
19:00 -03
Predictions (0)
Match Report
Adztrodamus predicted a 4-0 routing by Sprogga and so it was!
Eclipse saw sR with some ineffectual shotgun pressure to S.Loop and PSJ3. Sprogga (Maint Hive) opted for DC in the PSJ3 vent and tanked down the Swedes. sR managed to cap a few nodes and took down the lerk, but without getting any nodes down they soon found 3 Cara Fades in their base. Game over.
Sprogga started with a 4 man LMG pressure facing off against a disorganised Alien team in Maint Hive. S.Loop was down before CC Node was even dropped, and it fell shortly afterwards. sR found a second wind and manage to take out 3 or 4 nodes forcing Sprogga to recap for a period before pushing the Maint and killing the Fade, prompting sR to F4.
On Orbital Sprogga (Obs Hive) went for a 4 RT strategy. Gen Node went down quickly to LMG pressure and a 2 SG Pressure Team hit Hangar node before the Distress Beacon was sounded to save the sR Base. Subsequent pressure to Big Room was foiled several times, and the some good pressure on Marine Start ended the round.
Sprogga wrapped things up as Marine, capping the entire map and destroying the 2 RTs dropped by sR. The Aliens had very poor map control, with almost no damage to Marine RTs. With no 2nd Hive dropped the Sproggalots rolled on into Generator Hive with 5 SG and it was game set and match.
GibbZ | 9L
11 November 2007, 20:26
enigmatic | 9L
11 November 2007, 21:42
Admirable | God Squad
11 November 2007, 21:43
11 November 2007, 23:22
Arj | Ant
12 November 2007, 07:48
rabbit | New Team
12 November 2007, 14:36
GibbZ | 9L
12 November 2007, 16:57
12 November 2007, 17:21
SoLa | Kaamos
13 November 2007, 15:54
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