• amplifier Blank
  • CraZyIvan Blank
  • EagleEye Blank
  • Jimmis Blank
  • Manikstor Blank
  • Merrick Blank
  • Prefix Blank
  • Steve Blank
  • Underwhelmed Blank
  • Blank Air
  • Blank msq
  • Blank bHack
  • Blank kranky
  • Blank LosTEscape
  • Blank nyple
  • Blank Surrounder

S9: 2nd Div. Group B

Monday 18 February 2008
20:45 -02

Predictions (17)

Veni Vidi Vici
Latvian international force



Blank NellyJai | HasBeens & NeverWas

i watch this from hltv, and i like to say good game (when it actually got around) felt sorry for v3 having to wait 50mins was it? but also felt sorry that lif// didn't play their alien round on veil. (don't think it would of mattered) lif have improved and that is what i saw in this game nice job both teams

18 February 2008, 23:16


Blank Jimmis

that game, was just so funny, total fail

18 February 2008, 23:17


Blank bHack


18 February 2008, 23:20


Blank Prefix | Anonym Anti Anti A.

Your ping was fine.

MOTM maverick for jumping on mines near my lerk.

18 February 2008, 23:31


Blank Air | Made in Russia

omg ! v3.ns ... They such excellent people that could not understand and play us then this game! It the main thing was a victory, instead of sports interest! Simply success...

18 February 2008, 23:32


Blank Prefix | Anonym Anti Anti A.

lol understand you fools.

We offered you loads of chances that other teams would never give, like to only play rounds were you dont need a comm.

BHack was fine.

You agreed to this time. Think more carefully next time.

18 February 2008, 23:55


Blank bHack

BHack was fine.

pretty fine yeah.. XD

bah, but i don't blame any1... Just only my fcking ISPPPPPPPPPP.

19 February 2008, 00:22


Blank Prefix | Anonym Anti Anti A.

lol some of our players play with that ping.

19 February 2008, 00:28


Blank Prefix | Anonym Anti Anti A.

But yeah GG anyway, we just need a translator ^^,

cause i have a feeling you guys didn't know what we were trying to say.

19 February 2008, 00:29


Blank bHack

i know english pretty well, so i understood everything, that you have said to me.
BTW, talknig about the rule:
"If teams have scheduled a match but another team wants to cancel it, the team in question should contact the other team and ask whether it is fine for them. Only if both teams agree, they may cancel it by contacting an admin."

Jiriki said to me, that this rule can be used in any time. So you just wanted to force us to play this match that day... ffs. Realy repulsive from your side.

"lol some of our players play with that ping."
ok, are they comanders, that have to say all ongoing things ingame on VENTRILO?! my guys heard my commands with delay like from 0(really rarely) to 15 sec on vent.
And I am a commander of both sides(marines, aliens).

It's like - If i lag = my team fails in some situations.
So that what happend. If i had no lag, the game results would be different.
And we used a merc, cos one more guy from our team lagged out, so we had nothing to do with that.

19 February 2008, 14:05


Blank EagleEye

first, we BOTH decided on monday and scheduled it, that includes you guys aswell..

second, as far as i noticed your ping was under 100 most of the time..maybe im wrong..and yes we got some players with high ping as commander or other main roles, also known as the americans

third, if we just wanted to forfeit then why did we wait MORE than 60! minutes at the beginning and also offered you things other teams would not...

now everyone shut this, its annoying

19 February 2008, 16:31


Blank kranky | minions

next time if we play against u, we willplay only on sunday

19 February 2008, 17:03


Blank Manikstor


19 February 2008, 18:09


Blank Steve


19 February 2008, 20:01


Blank jiriki | old people

peace guys

20 February 2008, 15:25


Blank msq

oppositely to listen your excuses. A game was disgusting, and to that you did not give us a chance to replay a round, showed your "honest"!

20 February 2008, 19:53

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