NSL S3: Division 3 Group B

Sunday 22 September 2013
15:00 -03

Predictions (0)

Evolved Ones
Next Level Gaming



Blank TomTom | Over.Extension

Match postponed until later in the week. Agreed on with Simba

22 September 2013, 03:41


Blank Simba

Aiming for Friday 6pm pst to 7pm pst start time. Or Saturday 3pm pst to 4pm pst start time. Sunday open if absolutely necessary 11am-7pm pst start time.

24 September 2013, 14:15


Blank narf

Confirmation TomTom?

26 September 2013, 22:41


Blank Simba

9-23: Aimed for Saturday match.
9-24: Saturday won't work, aim for Friday (9-27) match @ 8pm PST. EO will inform us if it will not work.
9-25: Attempted to get confirmation on Friday match, no response, going forward assuming Friday still on.
9-26: Get notice Friday will not work. Match is now "postponed until next week".


27 September 2013, 04:25


Blank w0k | Evolved Ones

I'm assuming your availability for the Waka match (you posted a whole slew of options there) is the same availability for our match?

29 September 2013, 19:04


Blank Simba

It is

29 September 2013, 22:46


Blank w0k | Evolved Ones

I'll try to herd the cats on our end. Part of the scheduling problem is that some of our guys aren't available until 9PM when they get off work, then some reasonable time to relax for a bit, warm up, etc. Copy/pasting your available times here as well so we don't have to go back and forth.

Quote from Simba in Waka/NLG comments

Monday (9-30): 7pm PST
Tuesday (8-1): 6-7pm PST
Thursday (8-3): 6-7pm PST
Friday (8-4): 6-9pm PST
Saturday (8-5): 3-9pm PST
Sunday (8-6): 11am-7pm PST

30 September 2013, 21:26


Blank w0k | Evolved Ones

Update: Looks like you guys agreed with Waka on Thursday. We're gonna try to avoid Thursday so you don't have to stay up late for two whole matches. Thanks by the way, I just re-read above and I may be coming across as a jerk, I am just trying to focus on the facts and get this scheduled :)

30 September 2013, 21:45


Blank Simba

Didn't come off as a jerk to me at all. When you say 9pm, do you mean PST? Because that's terrible time lol.

1 October 2013, 02:33


Blank w0k | Evolved Ones

OK So does 6PM on Thursday work for you guys? Get it in before you play Waka? Thursday seems to be the only day that really works for all our guys of the options you've presented.

1 October 2013, 04:40


Blank w0k | Evolved Ones

w0k: Yo
Simba: Hail
w0k: I wrangled our guys... and thursday is really the only day that works for us :\
w0k: so can we do the 6PM, if it runs a little late to start your game with waka would that be a problem?
w0k: hell if one of your guys needs to leave, you can borrow a merc from us :P
w0k: we're night owls lol
Simba: We can't do two matches in one night :?
Simba: :/
Simba: Do you want to try next thursday?
w0k: blergh
Simba: And 4 matches won't be over in 1 hr :)
Simba: Unless we base rush every time lol
w0k: Sigh... well some schedules are moving around next week again. I have to go back to the drawing board
w0k: I'm getting frustrated :P
Simba: The schedule that I have posted there is basically every week's availability.
w0k: for your guys?
w0k: ok, I'
Simba: Yea
w0k: I'll check
Simba: Lemme double check it.
w0k: we got 1.5 guys disappearing this weekend
w0k: 1 guy gone gone, and another that would have to make some changes to pre-arranged stuff
w0k: so next week, or next weekend
w0k: grr
Simba: Monday?
Simba: Yea that time list is basically each week for us. We can stretch some things, but not by a whole lot. Also monday can be 6-7pm PST
Simba: instead of just 7pm pst
w0k: like I said, our problem is mostly your unavailability past 7PM... that's kind of unfair considering you're west coast
w0k: as are we
w0k: and weekends... people have lives and jobs
Simba: Well weekends the availability goes to midnigh ESt
Simba: But we can stretch to 8pm PST if I get a good heads up.
Simba: But many of our starters have early work. That's why I need advanced notice so they can make preps.
Simba: Sorry we're not mostly west coast anymore
Simba: we're like 50/50
Simba: EST and PST
w0k: I'll go back to our guys and see what works then.

1 October 2013, 22:07


Blank w0k | Evolved Ones

Tomorrow is definitely a no-go (Again too early in the evening, we're hella night-owls). Looking later into the week with your available times.

8 October 2013, 01:13


Blank Simba

thursday we play at 7pm PDT with Silvermoon, just FYI.

8 October 2013, 16:59


Blank w0k | Evolved Ones

FYI not sure how many Canadians you rely on, but apparently this weekend is Thanksgiving in Canada... cause Canada has to do everything backwards :P

8 October 2013, 21:46


Blank Simba


9 October 2013, 03:10


Blank Simba

So if this weekend works for you guys, we can still most likely play. Please let us know very soon, though, so plans can be made.

9 October 2013, 14:28


Blank w0k | Evolved Ones

You're mid-match right now. The verdict is not Friday or anytime this weekend. Targeting Thursday or Friday next week.... I'm beginning to hate this ****.

10 October 2013, 23:13


Blank w0k | Evolved Ones

OK with early warning you said you could stretch an hour here or there. Thursday the 17th at 8PM. I've got everyone but one guy confirmed they can do this, and at this point, if he can't make it we'll make it work somehow.

13 October 2013, 03:55



Get a merc

13 October 2013, 06:51


Blank Simba

confirmed, thursday 8pm pdt

14 October 2013, 02:18


Blank w0k | Evolved Ones


14 October 2013, 02:49


Blank Simba


16 October 2013, 21:46


Blank soz

I'm totally casting! See you all there!

17 October 2013, 20:53


Blank w0k | Evolved Ones

4-0 sweep for NL. Thanks for finally getting this in guys!

18 October 2013, 01:48

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