Best times for us would be this Saturday and late nights are possible for us (6pm-3am aest), we can organise an indian server which will have roughly 150-250 ping for everyone.
The time looks to overlap with the late morning in Europe, we will most probably be available between 6 and 9 pm AEST so everyone can have a good time without trading sleep time. For now I don't have a precise date for the match (beside the 20 oct), I am organizing the first two listed in the agenda atm.
21 October 2019, 01:57
Katzenfleisch | The Thirsty Onos
21 October 2019, 03:03
24 October 2019, 07:16
Aazu | The Thirsty Onos
Any chance we could delay this match till next week please?
25 October 2019, 15:03
Drey | LobbySitters
26 October 2019, 08:00
26 October 2019, 08:14
Pelargir | We're grumpy
26 October 2019, 11:12
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