I find the commander pres change to be the biggest change to game balance of any in the mod and I really dislike the impact it has. When playing with commanders who take advantage of it, the commander role feels like unwanted baggage, with players having to mist themselves or constantly hop in to the hive to cyst, buy eggs, or place structures. It's slow and awkward, and abilities like bone wall and drifter support happen way less. The role becomes much less important because it allows the commander to be more effective on the field, making it feel like legacy
cruft rather than a proper feature of the game (and we definitely have enough crufty features in the game already).
Then there's the frustration of playing against it, where commanders are reliably getting a gorge and using that to do things like build hives so quickly that marines don't get a chance to respond, or run into battle with higher lifeforms to provide healing support that previously required the absence of another type of lifeform. A solo marine running into a hive room to clear upgrades has a way harder time against a commander gorge, who can take a lot of bullets, heal structures, and just generally make that marine completely ineffective with very little risk of actually dying. And this is all assuming the commander chose to spend his res on a gorge. Lerk commanders are not just possible, but totally feasible; in the finals for the draft tournament, Simba reached lerk res before the onos saver could afford an onos and before the second hive had even been dropped. He chose to gorge to build the hive super fast, but he had the option to go lerk, something that supporters of this change have said is unlikely, at best. Whether the change was made to make commanders have more fun or not, it has a very real impact on balance that many seem to be ignoring, helping the side that looks to be already winning most of the games in lower divisions (and let's be honest: this doesn't help marines in the slightest).
Finally, the change fundamentally doesn't make much sense. Whether a commander is in the hive is a decision to be made based on what's best for their team, so further incentive against commanding doesn't really add a compelling new element; it just makes it so commanders have to be fielding more in order to satisfy those commanders who don't like the role they have on their team. I can't think of other changes that have been made to make a clearly sub-optimal play style become necessary, and it is forcing commanders into a completely different type of play (heavier FPS rather than mostly RTS) for them to be effective. If the problem is that the alien commander is less engaging and important than the marine commander, then the focus of the discussion and changes should be on improving that role. Discussion should identify what the alien role lacks compared to the marine one and what changes can be made to bring it up to par. I've got plenty of thoughts on this, and I'm sure others do, too. As it is, we're arguing about a change that was contentious before it went in and remains so, and there are other ways to fix this problem. In the short term, I'd love to see the commander simply never get res, but whatever the case, I hope the current change gets reverted, because regardless of what side I'm on or what team I'm playing for, it really hurts my enjoyment of the game.