Season 11 Updates
We Made a Poll to help deciding if we add fixed Spawns and Mappick/ban process in S11 Group Play+Finals:
You got problems finding a Team ?
We created a Google form to effectively seed you on a Team or create with your help new Teams.
Who filled it out yet:
If you’d prefer to do this the old fashioned way, the Recruitment forum is here:
The signups will close on the 14th of March.
If a team doesn't have at least 6 players on their roster by the 17th of March at 23:00 CET, the team will be removed from Season 11.
If a player is on more than one team signed up for this season, that player must remove themselves from their other S11 teams or the admins will remove that player from all of their lowest seeded S11 teams.
The seedings will be released on the 17-18th of March in a forum post.
Season 11 will start on the 22nd of March and is expected to take 2 to 3 months with around 1 match per week to schedule through the match pages.
The winners of the playoffs for each division will get a badge similar to this:
(this is an example, the final badge may look different)
How to Create a Team/Join a Contest (Season 11):
How to Find a Team:
To see which teams have signed up for Season 11:
Season 11 Rules you agree by Participating:
We also start a easier Scheduling initiative for every Season 11 Team:
The coding team of the ensl needs some reinforcement with skills of:
1) Gather Website (node.js > 4.0 and MongoDB)
2) Ensl Website (Ruby 2.23)
3) Steam Gatherbot
If you want to get in contact with the admins:
-post on theForums (public)
-or/and write us on Discord: (public/private chat)
-or/and write us on Steam: (private)
-You can also choose to only contact the admins by clicking [Users]>>Contact on the top right of the frontpage. (private)
3 March 2017, 16:21
3 March 2017, 16:44
3 March 2017, 22:24
5 March 2017, 20:07
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