
What Summer Event would you like to take part in at what day and time,

let us know with this Form as fast and accurate as possible:


Playernumber Explanation: Players who chosen "Yes" are in front of the Point >> x.xx << Players who chosen "maybe" on Tournament Type and/or "Will Edit Later" on Time to play are behind the Point.







Ololoi is organizing more training sessions:


These are a great opportunity to learn from experienced players; lots of great tips. (Recordings will be available for those who can't attend on the day.)

Learn more about these here:







Under this Hirarchy:

The Leaders of this Team:

are the Invite Gather Mods that will moderate and decide who should be in the Invite Gather Team.

The Invite Gather Team will be purged of inactive/unsuitable players.


If you want to be part of the Invite Gather Team repeatable request to join that Team here:

till the The “Gather Admin/Invite Gather mods” think you have proven yourself to play along the higher restrictions placed Players.








The rule rework is in progress and will be applied on the Next Tournaments/Seasons.

Mega is trying to Update and improve the Rules

Big credits to Star and the other people that rewrote parts of it.


What got changed:

other people's ideas/feedback/changes are RED

Megas ideas are GREEN


Here is how it looks now please use the comment function of google docs to suggest add, change, or correct parts of it:

Mega on 10 July 17 00:11


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