NightCup Winners
Hello one more time!
We just had a very nice Nightcup Final between 9L and NewStyleD!
NewStyled put up a very good fight on origin but in the end 9L was victorious even
though i forced them to play on Maps choosen by their opponent !
I want to thank all the Teams for this nice evening !
I am very proud that we managed to do this in a GrownUp Fashion !
As blind reminded me to say: Get on my Horse managed to defeat Sexiest Men Alive in the Loser Brackets Finals and take the MiniWin ;D !
Thank you ALL guys and Congratulations 9L and of course to Get on my Horse !
P.S.: I obviously was in a hurry writting that XD .. i forgot Thanks to lump for helping me with the Brackets and checking in on the matches !
23 January 2011, 22:56
23 January 2011, 23:04
23 January 2011, 23:27
23 January 2011, 23:34
24 January 2011, 00:24
24 January 2011, 07:53
25 January 2011, 18:17
25 January 2011, 18:49
rematch? :D
26 January 2011, 19:05
26 January 2011, 20:07
27 January 2011, 08:08
27 January 2011, 14:30
27 January 2011, 17:08
12 February 2011, 11:24
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