Maps for Season 2

Hello guys,

for the map discussion we decided to have descent and icarus in Season 2 included.

But since we are aware that there are still issues around and not enough playtime to seriously judge on the playability in a competitive environment yet, we pushed those into week 3 for first appearance on official matches. That will leave more time for the teams to practice them and give valuable feedback for the mappers to fix these issues.

We believe both maps deserve a real chance and we love to see more maps in the NSL. Also it is our belief, that if we would instantly push these maps back to season 3, only few teams would seriously play on it and thus it would be way harder as well for the mappers to actually make them playable.

In case after 2 weeks of gameplay during the season there are serious issues about the maps, we still have the option in worst case, if a vast majority of teams agrees to it, to remove it from season 2.


Concluding, these are the maps for the NSL Season 2:

  1. ns2_nsl_summit
  2. ns2_nsl_tram
  3. ns2_nsl_veil
  4. ns2_jambi
  5. ns2_icarus
  6. ns2_descent
blind on 05 March 13 17:36



Blank wasabione

I am happy to see Descent on the list, but please for the love of god TEAMS must actually practice on it before crying foul. Suggestions are always welcome with any official map to, please let me know if you have concerns with any official ones.

5 March 2013, 17:41


Blank gamerkatze

@wasabi indeed.
@everyone please dont turn this into another discussion thread. We have an extra topic for this in the ensl and the official forum.

5 March 2013, 17:53


Blank YoungTrotsky

Will Jambi be held back until week 2 or will it be in week 1? Haven't played any matches on it yet...

5 March 2013, 18:01


Blank blind | onFire

summit/tram in week 1, veil/jambi in week 2, icarus/descent in week 3

5 March 2013, 18:11


Blank Mulk | Ant

Now this should be interesting

5 March 2013, 22:41


Blank bHack

gl everyone.

6 March 2013, 00:48


Blank SoLa | Kaamos

I suggest that you don't use 2 of the new maps in the same week. Should be oldmap/newmap per week after week 1 summit/tram. At least in my opinion.

6 March 2013, 02:21


Blank Tane | HasBeens & NeverWas

Yeah, Sola is right. New maps always brings more random factors to the game, where less skilled team has better chance to win better one.

6 March 2013, 03:03


Blank Bonkers | Team Work & Tactics

Please as few custom maps to start as possible. Each map doesn't need a equal amount of playing in its 1st season - and each week should at least have 1 standard map in it. Please don't ignore the feedback received.

6 March 2013, 03:19


Blank swalk | Xeon

@SoLa I don't see how it is possible to have oldmap/newmap every single week if the first week consists of 2 old maps.

@Tane Teams are now aware that these are coming up, that should give incentive to practice on the maps and reduce these "random factors".

@Bonkers Each map will be played equally and the maprotation will be the same for the whole season. Each map will get equal amount of playtime. No one is ignoring the feedback, don't know why you assume that.

6 March 2013, 04:33


Blank SoLa | Kaamos

week 1 summit/tram
week 2 veil/jambi
week 3 summit/icarus
week 4 tram/descent
week 5 veil/jambi
week 6 summit/icarus
week 7 tram/descent

You can also let clans pick their maps at week 7 if you want.

6 March 2013, 04:38


Blank Bonkers | Team Work & Tactics

You have sort of ignored feedback. The vote was in favor of "no" to Descent (personally I like the map and hope it will work) Also people are asking for less custom and more what they know. I agree with Sola - if you can start be introducing 1 a week with 1 "normal" map then it will give more the chance to learn 1 a week.

6 March 2013, 05:10


Blank swalk | Xeon

@SoLa That suggestion results in the old maps being played alot more than the new maps to the map pool and I personally do not like that at all. Might just be me, but I think every map should be played just as much as the other maps.

@Bonkers No, we did NOT ignore the vote. We are very aware of the vote AND the reasonings for the "no" votes. Mostly people voted "no" because they didn't have enough time to try the map and didn't want to risk it getting in the map pool because of that. The maprotation blind wrote still leaves alot of time to practice the new maps. And in the end, it is equal for everyone when it comes to learning new maps.

6 March 2013, 05:26


Blank Bonkers | Team Work & Tactics

Whats the actual start date for season 2? At the moment we have problems on our servers with a couple of the maps loading up. Will have to look into this.

6 March 2013, 06:38


Blank swalk | Xeon

Sunday, 10th of March.

6 March 2013, 06:47


Blank SoLa | Kaamos

A lot more? All maps are played 2 times. Only tram and summit are played 3 times.

6 March 2013, 07:06


Blank Brainmaggot | Unchain the Wolves

A week old map goes into a competative pool?

What the hell... This is just crazy imo.

Also, what Bonkers said. Pretty much no one wanted Descent in the map pool. A week or two of practice won't change that.

6 March 2013, 07:27


Blank blind | onFire

Will think about the map rotation.

6 March 2013, 07:28


Blank Danjio

why descent? i thought it was 70-59 for no?

6 March 2013, 08:40


Blank crt | BOBER

Danjio, because admins decided so. LOL

I vote for:
week 1 summit/icarus
week 2 tram/jambi
week 3 veil/descentlololol
week 4 summit/icarus
week 5 tram/jambi
week 6 veil/descentlololol
week 7 coinflip, winner chooses 1st map, loser chooses the 2nd one (f.e. if 1st chosen map was old one, teh 2nd must be a new one)

6 March 2013, 11:40


Blank swalk | Xeon

icarus will not be in the first week by any means. It is not ready, still got a few power bugs, one problematic siege spot and at least one stuck spot that needs fixing. Descent was put in because of the discussion that complimented the poll.

6 March 2013, 11:47


Blank DeadManWalking

i'd pick docking and even mineshaft before decent...

6 March 2013, 12:33


unter_hosen | Team Work & Tactics

I would like to wish all the very best of luck in practising Jambi. Jambi does not load on the servers after the gorgeous update. We cannot get it to run on any TWAT servers, and neither does it run on the ENSL servers. You need to restart one of them as the map isnt loaded.


Gorge Michael :)

6 March 2013, 12:51


unter_hosen | Team Work & Tactics


I would also like to point out that Icarus also does not work on the servers in its current state since the gorgeous update. Have fun practising Icarus!

There is also another NS2 update imminent (241) this could also break stats and other maps.


Gorge Michael :)

6 March 2013, 13:00


Blank carnage | High Expectations

i think docking is viable now... more so than some of these broken/unprepared maps

6 March 2013, 14:17


Blank keLLa | Turkey

swalk: No one is ignoring the feedback, don't know why you assume that. -> really??? just check the poll results and read the threads again...

Why did you put a poll if you intend to ignore it? Do you know how much energy we consumed to write an opinion to the threads? my poor fingers :(

I still don't understand the hurry... NS2 must be dying... yeah I figure it out now. The judgement day is comming...

Ok Ok I'm not a human, just robot... Are we just testers? Do you want us to stay at home all these weeks and keep practicing? Do you have real life? How many new maps will come next season?

I think you are loosing the fun part of the game...

6 March 2013, 14:57


Blank blind | onFire

Estimated 70% of the teams were completely new and had to learn 3 maps for season 1. Now the teams have to learn 3 new maps for season 2. How is learning a new map not part of fun in a game, kella? Jeez, lot at how many maps have come and gone in SC2, NS2 will ALWAYS be far, far away from that.

Also we did not ignore that poll. It was an IMPRESSION of what people thought right after descent has come out and most people voted on this without ever playing a competitive game on it. One valid concern of many people were that it might be too early for the map before the issues are fixed - and we DID consider that in our decision.

6 March 2013, 15:13


Blank TheOracle | Horizon

Personally I don't see the reason to rush any map into competitive play if it's not ready yet. Are people that desperate for variation? There should at least be an overwhelming consensus that teams want to play it - rather than force people on it.

The game's been out for what- A couple months? I played CS 1.6 competitively for years and never got tired of "the 4-maps."

6 March 2013, 15:14


Blank keLLa | Turkey

Let team votes decide on jambi, icarus, decent... 1 team - 1 vote...

There is no fun if you dictate something... There is no fun if you obligate us to learn something in short period of time... There is no fun if you behave people like robots...

Read the comments, blind... Do you really expect them to have fun?

If you see happy people here then you are really blind...

6 March 2013, 15:32


unter_hosen | Team Work & Tactics

Just an FYI

Icarus does EVENTUALLY load, but the server console is going mental and the core the server is assigned to goes to 100% which makes it unplayable. Update 241 is out tonight, 11pm GMT so I suspect more things will break.

Gorge Michael :)

6 March 2013, 16:07


Blank blind | onFire

keLLa, we already talked about having the teams (1 vote each team) vote after week 2 for icarus and then for descent. We are not dictating everything, ENSL was and is community based. Nevertheless, a call has to be made considering all pro's and con's in the end. And as usual, on a topic with tons of different opinions, we won't please everyone with it. But we stand up for it and explain our reasoning.

Btw, Sola's list was very convincing, see news post above.

6 March 2013, 17:23


Blank xtcmen

For jambi to work, it is important to delete the old workshop folder from your workshop mod files. Since I had to create a new mod entry, there is duplicate mods with the same map file.

6 March 2013, 21:02


Blank swalk | Xeon

@unter_hosen The old jambi workshop file was deleted and replaced with a new one, take a look at the season rules. If you put it on your server some time ago, you will have to replace the ModID with the new one. We practiced on it the last two days with no problems. Same with descent. Both maps plays just fine. Icarus however, still got some issues, but it DOES load if you set your server up correctly. Icarus MIGHT get removed if these issues are not resolved in time. More specificly Data management siege spot for Communications, power bugs north of the central tech point and the stuck point in Shipping/Recieving. Just go read what I wrote in the map thread on UWE forums for icarus.

6 March 2013, 21:04


unter_hosen | Team Work & Tactics


Thanks for the update. Its almost a full time job trying to keep up with all these updates to the mods and then restarting servers all the time to download the new version, change the batch files to boot the server and edit the text files etc etc etc etc.

I appreciate the feedback though.

Gorge Michael :)

8 March 2013, 12:56

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