Balance Mod Cup
Thanks to all teams taking part in this event without your help the cup wouldn't have been such a success, as well as all the refs/casters. Special thanks to UWE for the Tshirts and ns2fr for nearly casting every single game.
Some statistics (thanks 2 SUPER SARS):
Week 1: alien 52.1% marine 47.9%
Week 2: alien 75.0% marine 25.0%
Overall: alien win 56% marine 44%
Winner of the Balance Mod Cup:
1. Godar (6 NS2 Tshirts)
2. Miau (6 NS2 Tshirts)
The 6 NS2 Tshirts for taking part was raffled by Reddog and Legendary Snails won.
overall : 56% - 44% doesn't show a lot. But really, 75 - 25 on 2nd week tells us that on high level and long games, aliens win easier.
25 June 2013, 00:30
By my count, 184 group stage rounds and 39 playoff rounds. You can discount the group stage rounds because some teams had never or barely played the balance test mod. Also the skill disparity between the teams at this stage skews any conclusions we can draw from that. The 39 playoff rounds is too small a sample size to really confirm anything we can glean, trends or otherwise. Not really meaningful numbers to say whether the mod is "balanced" or not.
25 June 2013, 16:06
75%... don't let robotix see this!
25 June 2013, 20:57
rigged raffles
26 June 2013, 07:59
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