Season 3 Week 1
Teams have been put into divisions and the matches have been created. Due to having an uneven number of teams, some divisions have an uneven number of teams, which means one team from each of those division groups will sit out each week. A single team only sits out one week in total during the season. The maps of week 1 are ns2_nsl_summit and ns2_nsl_jambi. As many of you probably already know, we have some maps pending to be in the league, ns2_biodome, ns2_caged, ns2_turtle and ns2_tanith. We are working closely with the mappers of the custom maps and they are making changes to fix issues the maps have. If the maps don't reach a desirable state before they're set to be played in the season, they will be removed. Read more about the maps here. You can find your division group and matches under Contests. Here is also a link with all the matches of Week 1, remember to post match times in the comments of your match so admins, casters and referees know when you are playing, both teams must post the same time before it's confirmed. In case of no-shows we can see that both teams agreed on the time and it's your ensurance for getting a forfeit when the other team doesn't show up. The Season Rules have also had some changes, new NSL mod by NotDragon, new consistency check, changes to accomidate the new international format, wording changing and so on. Make sure your entire team reads the rules. Lots of great games coming up, enjoy!
Week 1 Matches
Week 1 Streaming Schedule
List of available gameservers.
Drama time? Drama time!
(yes I love saying that)
6 September 2013, 23:27
Great work guys! Love the fact that you won't include the maps unless they meet ENSL standards. Looking forward to this season.
7 September 2013, 13:50
Definitely looking forward to this season as well. A lot of teams, and most of them seem to be in the appropriate divisions. Should see a lot more interesting games!
7 September 2013, 15:30
Did we have to combine the NA and European leagues. Here I am trying to schedule a 9 hour time difference (which pretty much isn't going to happen).
7 September 2013, 19:26
If it isn't going to happen then you're at fault. Other teams have same or higher time difference and still set up their games. The leagues were put together because it was requested by players and to make better skill-based divisions with the low signup count. Some teams have to play at early in the day or at night time if they prefer that. The international format isn't optimal in terms of scheduling, but it is possible.
7 September 2013, 19:49
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