Community ran events and work
This is a call out for the creative people in ENSL. If you feel you want to do something for
ENSL, feel free to contact ENSL staff to see how we can help promote your work.
One example is predictions (see Skyice's week 7 "unmissable games" or predictions done by soz, Bacillus et al.). This keeps people in the loop of what is going on during the season, and also helps keep the interest and
creates discussions. More predictions means more interesting thoughts to read.
Other examples are short (eg. one day) NS2-related events; if you feel you want to spread the word,
ENSL can help promote and/or in other means assist (servers etc). An example here is events to
help get new players into the scene with an introduction of some sort.
Another thing that used to be done in the past were guides. For example, a thorough guide on how to
make the game run in a certain operating system or how to get rid of mouselag would be something
many players could benefit from since the steps are not always obvious for everyone. A guide explaining
the options from within the game (or even outside) and perhaps even giving an idea on the performance
hit of said option would be very helpful in getting the best graphics/performance ratio from your NS2.
Skyice's predictions? That he did yesterday? For like, 3 matches?
What about the predictions that I've been doing? For almost the entire season. For all the divisions.
#unloved :(
19 October 2013, 06:14
Sorry, Soz. I had actually reserved that space for your predictions that you've been doing ALL season and we've been linking ALL season. When your predictions are done for week 7, I'll add them along too. Thanks.
19 October 2013, 06:26
Im not trying to replace you soz! just assist x
and TBH i didnt want to do "predictions" as such, just a round up of games to watch. I think the predictions either state the obvious or are founded on thin air.
for example -
"I give TW&T a big advantage in terms of strategy because Bonkers is, well, bonkers."
Bonkers is a great commander but come-on...
19 October 2013, 07:19
Sorry soz! I didn't mean to not show my love at all, I just had Skyice's prediction in mind when writing this! I'll ninja in your name as well since you are deserving of some love too.
19 October 2013, 07:52
Soz you did fucking great with your preds this season MUCH LOVE MAN
19 October 2013, 08:07
Soz I love you so much
19 October 2013, 08:08
hmm kinda late
19 October 2013, 08:36
Everybody hates you soz. The results are there for all to see. Take it personally.
19 October 2013, 12:49
So Danny when was the last time you played NS2? Feels like must have been months ago XD ! But good to see you are still alive XD !
19 October 2013, 21:51
Hey Eis; I play it every now and then, but getting kicked from div2 clans because I'm 2bad so now I only get to merc every now and then or play public once in a blue moon. Haven't seen you in anything NS related either!
20 October 2013, 04:43
20 October 2013, 08:19
Needs more shitboxes for somebody of Danny's calibre to flourish
20 October 2013, 09:46
Well Danny since i strongly disagree with about 80 percent of the new ENSL leaders i of course only come around to troll anymore XD
Also NS2 sucks so i play NS1 gathers every weekend. Yeah it is with the annoying Americans but it is still NS1 so still ok 8) !
20 October 2013, 09:58
Leaders? Haha, the last leader ENSL had was jiriki
25 October 2013, 14:37
hello yes i are carrier
28 October 2013, 18:19
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