Updated Rules, CEST, and Week 2 in Progress
Let’s start things off by saying the rules have been updated for this season. Go read them here, the link in the top navigation will be updated to link to it ASAP. It is very important that everyone participating in the NSL, no matter what their title, know the rules, not just players and referees – casters, after all, are responsible for being a referee if none is assigned to the match.
Division 2 will find that their schedule for the season has been changed due to a team disbanding. Div 2 is now 10 weeks long with each team playing all their opponents twice through the season. You can check out the updated schedule on the Div 2 summary page.
Missed some week 1 and 2 matches? Pelargir has posted the replays on the forums.
With your week one matches (hopefully!) out of the way, your week two matches should be scheduled and completed by April 1st. Make sure you are double-checking your time conversions for intercontinental matches, as CEST starts this weekend!
Again, here’s the calendar for the upcoming matches. Unfortunately this embedded calendar isn’t nearly as flexible as the sidebar calendar that we had before – like, for example, it doesn’t convert it to your actual time zone. The below calendar is now set to CET (to be CEST this weekend) so that will leave everyone to do their own conversions. I’m still hoping that we will be able to get the old one fixed before we’re too far into the season but if it doesn’t, at least we’ve got something.
Of course, you will get match notifications if you’re in the NSL Steam Group or are following the Twitter account, so those are great options for those who hate doing math. Or you can just type the time – say, 20 CET – in to Google and it’ll give you your local time.
Time zone conversions before CEST start: AEDT = +10 | CET = +0 | EDT = -5 | PDT = -8
Time zone conversions after CEST start: AEDT = +9 | CEST = +0 | EDT = -6 | PDT = -9
Can't we play more than one game per week for two of the weeks and get it done in 8 weeks like everyone else? Teams are sitting out some weeks anyway, this seems like a waste of time..
Also about change to summer time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvUQcnfwUUM
25 March 2015, 19:56
27 March 2015, 06:53
April fools? Who knows?
1 April 2015, 13:44
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