NSL S2: EU Div 2 Group A

Sunday 14 April 2013
15:00 -03

Predictions (8)




Blank mithosiris

what day is ok to play for you?

10 April 2013, 12:14


Blank Ruskor | RadicaL

Hey, we can play next wednesday, 17.04.2013. Is this ok for you?

10 April 2013, 18:32


Blank mithosiris

So we can set Wednesday at 8pm CEST ? If we have any problem we just can change it ok?

10 April 2013, 19:04


Blank fleX

Its ok.

10 April 2013, 19:14


Blank Brainmaggot | Unchain the Wolves

This is going to be interesting as hell!
Get a real nice caster as well :D.

12 April 2013, 07:39


Blank Danjio

reddog ftw! :p

12 April 2013, 09:59


Blank RedDog

I will be casting this match. See you then!

12 April 2013, 20:54


Blank RedDog

Also, if we can make sure it starts on time - I only have 2 hours to cast this match that day due to a meeting in the afternoon I need to be at.

12 April 2013, 20:55


Blank mithosiris

We are rescheduling the date of the match, we will tell you as soon as we can...

15 April 2013, 12:40


Blank mithosiris

Wednesday 24 at 20:30 CEST is the new date if everything is ok...

17 April 2013, 19:00


Blank Ruskor | RadicaL


17 April 2013, 19:34


Blank mithosiris

We need to move the match again, We have had a problem that make us imposible to play on wednesday...

22 April 2013, 10:47


Blank mithosiris

New date Monday 29 at 20:00 CEST - I think Reddog is back from Miami and can stream it also.

22 April 2013, 17:55


Blank RedDog

I will be back on the 26th so I can stream this. Looking forward to it!

23 April 2013, 17:57


Blank Verslayer | El Niño de la Curva

From this match we`ll see who is the winner of 2nd Division A Group.

I`m very excited to play this :D

26 April 2013, 01:01


Blank psico

If we play 2:2 there will be a tiebreaker i think? ^^

26 April 2013, 07:34


Blank Verslayer | El Niño de la Curva

Gotta check rules, but i think that a 3rd map should be played in case we draw :D

26 April 2013, 19:52


Blank mithosiris

Radical has asked for moving the match again, I hope this will be the last date for the match. Match will be placed on Sunday 5 at 20:00 CEST.

29 April 2013, 12:11


Blank RedDog

I will be there. Please ensure this actually plays this time. Thanks.

29 April 2013, 13:49


Blank Ruskor | RadicaL

We promiss, it will be the last date.

29 April 2013, 14:47


Blank RedDog

Will be a great match :)

29 April 2013, 21:47


Blank swalk | Xeon

Sunday 20 CET is the time of the semifinals. This match needs to be played BEFORE that!

3 May 2013, 00:10


Blank psico


3 May 2013, 03:00


Blank Ruskor | RadicaL

Wont be sure that we can handle this. We dated for 20, thats ok for both teams. At least the semis have to wait. sry

3 May 2013, 05:17


Blank malga | iMAGINE

We're playing this on Sunday 5th at 18:00 CET.

3 May 2013, 13:02


Blank psico

1... 2... 3...

Hope this will be a funny game :)

3 May 2013, 13:04


Blank malga | iMAGINE

We might need to use merc(s), is that ok?

3 May 2013, 13:16


Blank psico


its ok :P

3 May 2013, 13:17


Blank RedDog

Good lord... ;) Ok! will be there bright and early!

3 May 2013, 14:39


Blank mithosiris

Thx ENSL for screwing up the best game of the Season because you wanted to be the match played 2 hours before 8 pm on sunday, now the match will be played with at least 2 mercs from our side. This has been a really great move from you when you could have advised 5 days earlier.

3 May 2013, 16:45


Blank Soleanthia

Come on now Mitho, Swalk posted on the front page on the 27th that the game had to be played before the 5th. Not to mention you guys had the game to play since the 14th.

3 May 2013, 17:49


Blank Ruskor | RadicaL

Other teams delayed matches over longer times, hadnt members or a full roster to play Matches.. Hardday gave us more than one times the option to reschedule the match. i agree to the rules of ensl, but i dont think this is fair to Hard.day at least. furthermore its the best match of div2 and now we play against a mix. perfect... what this means happens Last day too.. one oppenent show up with mercs, other oppenent got scared of the skill level...wonderful! we have to think about the following... we speak about 2h of delay and one or two days reschedule of a semi Match?! personaly i prefer to lose against hardday with full own lineup than playing against mix team. or win... :-) so can we handle this?

3 May 2013, 18:34


Blank mithosiris

We moved the match because of radical last time, and we said we only could play on sunday 8pm. Im not mentioning you guys in all of this sol, you are making a great job in this community. There is other people doing almost nothing and being so less flexible with this situation. Im not going to play any more matches this season. hard.day will play with mercs since now all the matches left. Sad but true.

3 May 2013, 18:34


Blank Verslayer | El Niño de la Curva

1-3 hard.day wins

5 May 2013, 15:08


Blank Danjio

what a sick game! :)

5 May 2013, 15:28


Blank mithosiris

where are the brackets that were going to be at 20:00 pm?

5 May 2013, 16:07


Blank Ruskor | RadicaL

:-) wp Hardday

5 May 2013, 17:32

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