We've nominally scheduled this for Sunday, March 31st at 11am PST/2pm EST (we have a few of our players tied up with PAX this weekend).
21 March 2013, 01:55
Someone from VexX confirm this please.
25 March 2013, 19:37
We want to reschedule the match. Contact me or barb to set it up.
19 April 2013, 19:38
ScardyBob | Team 156
We've nominally scheduled this for Sunday, March 31st at 11am PST/2pm EST (we have a few of our players tied up with PAX this weekend).
21 March 2013, 01:55
Argosh | RadicaL
Someone from VexX confirm this please.
25 March 2013, 19:37
We want to reschedule the match. Contact me or barb to set it up.
19 April 2013, 19:38
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