S2: 2nd Division
Saturday 15 October 2005
18:00 EDT
Predictions (0)
Match Report
First map is ns_tanith
First round:
Quaxy starts as a marine. Commander is Lamppu, Hive is Sat comm.
Quaxy send 3 men to double, they build double then moved to cargo. All the manage to get into cargo. Whilst in cargo the build a tf and 5 turrets which locks down cargo. In the mean time .s0s. send a 2 man skulk rush to ms, which takes out the base man, and the comm, they then start to take down the base when along comes . . . Saderi who kills the last skulk in base, but this pretty much makes it gg already. Round over in 4 mins.
Quaxy - 0 vs .s0s. - 1
Second round:
Commander is TiTuS, Hive is waste.
.s0s. send 3 men to chemical, they walk through chemical and build acidic. From acidic they walk into fusion where one of Quaxy's res towers were, after several rushes Quaxy get down one of the three marines in there. The two that are left continue to take the res tower down and build there own in place. After 2 mins .s0s. have lost a res tower.
At 3 min 30 secs .s0s. get a pg in fusion hive, and then in sat. In theory .s0s. have a 2 hive lock down.
5.48 Saderi evolves to fade.
From there on Saderi saved the round.
Quaxy go on to win the round
Quaxy - 1 vs .s0s. - 1
2nd Map is ns_caged
First round:
Quaxy starts as a marine. Commander is Lamppu, Hive is Generator.
Quaxy send 3 men to Generator hive to search kill and spawncamp, which goes well untill they dont reload and skulks spawn.
Vartija started where he intended to be, he built base and protected it. He didnt leave base once. :) atleast it was safe i suppose.
Nothing much else to say, fades up pressure applied, .s0s. won.
.s0s. won the round
Quaxy - 1 vs .s0s. - 2
Second round:
All to play for in the final round, can Quaxy pull a draw or can .s0s. catch a win.
Commander is TiTuS, hive is Generator.
.s0s. attempt a relocation to the other side of double. .s0s. successfully pull the relocation off and move out and get res . . but it all goes down hill from there, the 2 attempts of sieging generator fail.
Quaxy's 2 onos take down the marines base which leaves one player left out in the field.
At this point Saderi is feeling a little sorry for .s0s. and allows the remaining player to knife his fade . . . . . . . Saderi got knifed as fade :P
Quaxy - 2 vs .s0s. - 2
GG all was a good game and effort from both. I have give man of the match to Saderi for his nice fading on both maps.
15 October 2005, 19:38
15 October 2005, 19:43
15 October 2005, 19:43
15 October 2005, 19:48
15 October 2005, 20:36
15 October 2005, 21:42
16 October 2005, 11:24
16 October 2005, 12:03
16 October 2005, 12:15
16 October 2005, 14:09
16 October 2005, 23:45
17 October 2005, 13:05
17 October 2005, 19:35
20 October 2005, 14:03
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