8 November 2012 - 10:15 EST
Hello Gentlebeings!
After 6 years of waiting the DemonKnights reform for NS2!
And we are looking for supporters for "world's most serious funclan"**!
So pay us a visit if youre already tired of playing on publics and crave for decent clanwars!
:DemonKnights |-Knights-|, founded 2003
:European-based NS2 clan
:Relaxed, mature, easy-going, stress free
:Over 200 CWs absolved in NS1
:No particular skill level required - chemistry must fit
:Languages: english (2nd: german)
On Steam:
-DemonKnights- @SteamCommunities
** "Serious Funclan"? What does that mean?
Its a paradoxon! It means we are no funclan - we play serious! And we arent serious, because we are too easy-going to care for a high place in any league chart! Gameplay matters!
Wanna know more? Get in contact with us!
After 6 years of waiting the DemonKnights reform for NS2!
And we are looking for supporters for "world's most serious funclan"**!
So pay us a visit if youre already tired of playing on publics and crave for decent clanwars!
:DemonKnights |-Knights-|, founded 2003
:European-based NS2 clan
:Relaxed, mature, easy-going, stress free
:Over 200 CWs absolved in NS1
:No particular skill level required - chemistry must fit
:Languages: english (2nd: german)
On Steam:
-DemonKnights- @SteamCommunities
** "Serious Funclan"? What does that mean?
Its a paradoxon! It means we are no funclan - we play serious! And we arent serious, because we are too easy-going to care for a high place in any league chart! Gameplay matters!
Wanna know more? Get in contact with us!