Season 3 Week 8 Clean Up

This is a reminder that there aren't any scheduled matches this coming week. We'll be using it as a clean up week to tidy up the season. Games that haven't been played or forfeited games eligible for replayed MUST BE COMPLETED by Saturday, November 2nd, 11:59 PM EST. This week is your LAST CHANCE to play any of these matches. The regular season will be completed and, barring tie breaker matches, I'll be posting the semifinal playoff matches for each division shortly after the regular season officially ends. The Finals are tentatively schedule to be played on November 9th and 10th.

Here's a list of the remaining matches without scores. This doesn't include forfeits or double forfeits that are eligible for replay.

Season 3 Remaining Matches

Zefram on 25 October 13 03:02



Blank ryssk | Ram Ranch

the link aint working

25 October 2013, 08:43


Blank Smaragor

and you didnt tell him in form of a meme
i am dissapoint

25 October 2013, 10:22


Blank ryssk | Ram Ranch

Sorry Smaragor.. didnt find a good meme for the moment! :( dont hate me!

25 October 2013, 10:35


Blank Smaragor

alright i dont know how to get the pic in here so heres the link xD

25 October 2013, 12:50


Blank Zefram

Sorry, guys. It works now.

25 October 2013, 14:01


Blank Aioros

there are more games missing ...
some admins gave random forefeits :)

25 October 2013, 15:52


Blank Zefram

Like I said, the list doesn't include matches that were forfeited or have double forfeits.

25 October 2013, 16:13

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